Why did i have to fall for him

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I get to the car
"I can't believe you did that!!" I shout to Maddie who's in the car blushing red
"Look I'm sorry! I couldn't control myself" she looks away embarrassed
I roll my eyes and start the car
"Well there definitely not gonna want us at there concert again at least logan won't" I put on the gps and star to drive out
"It's just his eyes are so dreamy"
"Really Logan's, honestly not sure how you like him" I told her
"Look he's for me not you and lots of people agree he's the cutest one in the band" she scrunched her eyebrows
"Besides you don't like anybody"
"Hey not true I think Kendall is really cute and James would be if he wasn't so self centered" I say
"Whatever anyways did you see what your boyfriend did"
"What no what did he do?"
She shows me her phone and I almost crash
We get to my house and I drag her in
"My mom said I can't sleepover!"
She shouts
"WHO CARES" I stare at the picture how could he kiss Evelyn out of everyone her my mortal enemy my eyes tear up a bit
"Hey" Maddie sits beside me "if he did that he doesn't deserve you"
I look at my phone
Him/Brady: I told you not to meet the big time losers
Maddie takes my phone
"Stop it he just slows you down tomorrow we're getting revenge on him"
"No Maddie tomorrow I'm moving to the palm woods" I manage to say as I cry
"Oh yeah.. well at least we're moving together"
Me and Maddie are both moving to the palm wood because are parents are best friends and never do anything alone
"Yep I guess"
"We will get revenge tomorrow" I hear Maddie whisper but I ignore her
And we got to my room
We're ready for bed and put are phones to charge
I say

This is pretty short but my chapters are short just the first one was long but I'll make a new Chap tomorrow I think plz vote
What's your fav big time rush song
Mine is
Cover girl and if I ruled the world
I think ima make a love triangle
;) what do y'all think

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