Thx lucy!

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I get up Super early on the day to go to the audition I was so excited
All the bad things that happened I blocked out of my mind I was gonna get a record deal and I was gonna beat Maddie I hoped
I got there and there was a long long line but I didn't let it bother me
2 hours have gone by and I'm at the front
A woman comes outside
"Y/N L/N" it was the Gabrielle lady she had the same voice
I wave and she shows me the way In
I was going to sing the song I wrote with Kendall that I had memorized and that Maddie tried to ruin
As we are walking into the building I say "Hey uh do you know who recommended me?" I asked the lady she looked a little older then me
"Oh the person who recommended you is actually also signed by are label Lucy stone"
What? Lucy recommended me I wasn't even sure how she knew about everything
We get into the Audition room and I start to sing

I can feel you coming from a mile away

My pulse starts racing from the words that you say

And you say so many of them like you don't have a clue

That I'm signed sealed delivered with a stamp on

You don't have to try too hard
You already have my heart

You don't got a thing to prove
I'm already into you
I finished singing and didn't say anything I just looked at the girl
"Okay perfect" she smiled and turned off the camera she used to record
"We will contact you in a week"
I smile and walk out
I immediately pull out my phone to ask Lucy about this

Y/N: hey Lucy did you recommend me to your record label
Lucy: yea I did, I herd what happened and I know it's hard to get a record deal and usually when someone who's already signed recommends they get chosen 
Y/N: thank you so much you don't know how much this means and how much this helps!
Lucy; no problem good luck! :)

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