This is the real big time rush

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I'm walking downstairs to get to the lobby because the elevator is broken
"Hey!" Jo says excitedly
She point toward her friends
"These are my friends and they can help you get a record deal" she added
"But you probably already heard of them"
Yep her friends are big time rush
Maddie comes down stairs and waved to me
"Okay I have to go to an audition so uh you guys can figure something out"
She says then walks outside
"Well you guys wanna get a record deal right" Kendall started
"Yep" Maddie answered
"Ok so are producer would probably want you guys to write a song then preform it" Kendall says
"And he's holding audition tomorrow" Logan added
"Oh your so hot" Maddie mumbled but loud enough for him to hear
And he looked startled
I even let out a little chuckle
"Well uh do you want us to hep you write the songs" Kendall asked
"Yeah sure" i replied
"Okay me and James will help you"
Kendall say to me
Oh gosh
I can't believe the to beat looking big time rush members are gonna help me
"And Logan and Carlos will help you" he point to Maddie
"No plz don't leave me with the crazy girl" Logan cried
Maddie looks happy
"Okay when can we start" I smile
"Well now if you want" Kendall looks at the others and they agreed
"How about we do this In my apartment" Maddie says with a smirk on her face I face palm myself
She just doesn't stop
"How about we stay here we're everyone can see us" Logan smiled nervously
"Fine" him Maddie and Carlos walk over to some chairs and me James and Kendall decide to do it we're we were
"Okay so you have any ideas"
Kendall starts
"No not yet but I was thinking a love song"
"Okay that will be pretty easy with how many love songs I sing"
He both let out a chuckle and I look into his eyes for a minute but I stop when we here a loud noise
It's James is phone
"Are you gonna get that" Kendall asked him
"No" he replied
"Well then turn it of" Kendall argued
"No I like the song"
Kendall grabs his phone
"look she doesn't have that many days here is we don't make this song so we need to focus" Kendall starts
"And if I knew you would be so incompetent I would have picked Carlos to help me"
"So your saying you like Carlos more than me" James looks upset
"Yes thats what I'm saying"
Kendall agreed
"Give me my phone" he reaches for his phone and Kendall doesn't let him get it then they start to tackle each other to the ground
So this is the real big time rush
I raise my eyebrows and stare at the blank paper thinking if I have any ideas
Sorry this is bad it's just today I had school and for the rest of this week lmao and I have a lot of homework but I'm proud that I got the plot of the story thought out so I'm not writing at random anymore :) plz don't forget to vote and comment who you like more
Carlos, Kendall, Logan or James

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