Writing day 3

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Today is the last day we have to write the song and this time James didn't come he said he was "busy" but Kendall said he wasn't
"Okay" I sigh as I write the last few words of the song
"So do you think it's ready for you to sing to Gustavo tomorrow" Kendall asked me
"Yeah I'm actually really proud of it"
I smile
"Maddie said she's gonna come up here to show us her song"
I say
I know I have only actually known Kendall for like 4 days but I think we're becoming close
He's actually really cool
I mean not that I didn't think he was cuz I have always thought but he's better then I thought
For the 3rd time we stare in to each other's eyes but this time we start to lean in
"Hey guys!" Are heads turn to see Maddie walking in basically dragging Logan and Carlos behind her
I have started to see a pattern every time we kinda have a moment somebody interrupts
Okay I don't even know him that well mabye I should stop
"So we wrote are song called heaven lost an angel" Maddie starts
Me and Kendall stand up from my couch and I pick up the song we wrote
"Well we wrote a song called had me @ hello" I start "I hope she didn't bother you to much" I say to Logan
"Yeah totally didn't"
I know Maddie and she's crazy so she definitely tried something but I just roll my eyes and grab her song a read it
I'm walking like a model he watching like Mavado
She's very confidant and this song is definitely showing it
"Not bad" I say
"Thanks I wrote it all myself" Logan and Carlos look at her
"Well I wrote most of it myself" she chuckled and they kept staring at her
"Okay I wrote 15% of it myself"
They stop looking at her and her smile went away
"Anyways we're is James" Logan asked
"He said he was busy with you guys" Kendall said
"Yeah no he wasn't"
"I knew he was lying, we should look for him" Kendall said and he walks out the door with Logan and Carlos following
Me and Maddie stay
"Hey Maddie" I start
"So me and Kendall we almost kissed"
I smile excitedly
"Really, me and Logan kissed"
She said also smiling
"Forcefully" she mumbled
I roll my eyes and place my song down
"Okay I'm gonna go follow them you coming?" I ask her
"No I'm okay"
"Alr see you" I walk out and close the door
This chapter was all over the place I don't like it anyways vote if you want lol sorry I haven't been updating I just was busy

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