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" OK now I can't help you if you don't tell me what happened" started " so tell me what happened" I said sitting next to Kendall " OK so me and Maddie were recording at the studio and she told me that she liked me and I said it to say a bunch of fake things about you" Kendall said " well how do you know that it's fake" I said curious to know if James had told him " well I kind of figured you wouldn't do those things she said you did" he paused " and James told me about your conversation" he finished " well what type of things did she say?" I asked " she said you like to break into peoples houses I'm not sure why I even believed her" " I can't believe she would say things like that we have been friends for like ever" I said standing up " she's never been the type of person to get jealous and I'm not even sure why she did that because we could've both been chosen" I said starting to get upset " well they do you say Hollywood breaks friendships and she stops talking to me" look at Kendall " you're not helping!" " do you want to maybe get back at her" Kendell asked me a little bit hesitant " look I would love to but I don't have time for her I just got signed by Lucy's record label and I need to get to work" I said picking up my bag " oh OK then I mean I have things to do to" he said getting up and we both leave my apartment I lock the door and we walk are separate ways
I walk in the door to the building and start to see my new song
" I see the look in your eye and I'm biting my tongue you'll be the love of my life when I was young when the night is over don't call me up I'm already under I get a little bit alone sometimes and I miss you again I'll be the love of your life inside your head when the night is over don't call me up I'm already under"
(21 Gracie Abrahams)
Sorry I haven't updated I was really busy but I wrote this while at school so that's why it kind of sucks but I don't really have any chapter name ideas anymore so I'm gonna start just putting the number of the chapter

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