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A year had passed, Natasha and Astella were having breakfast in their house, everything was unpacked and both girls had settled back into their Shelby life. Astella's father returned back to Ireland with Grace to get the correct information that Astella wouldn't confess. Unfortunately, today was the day she had word that he was returning and he knew who he was looking for, and he wasn't going to leave without cleaning up the city or his daughter.

Astella groaned and tilted her head back, "Bad news?" Natasha asked as she looked at her best friend across the table.

"The worst... He's returning," Astella said.

"Persistent. Need my brothers?" Natasha asked.

"We'll see. I want to check on things first," Astella said.

"I'll make them aware, to be on standby," Natasha said.

"I need to talk to Tommy first... He'll know what to do, but thanks," Astella said as she scrunched up the telegram and threw it in the fire.

"He won't be happy with them. You know he wants all communication between you two," Natasha said.

"Doesn't matter," Astella said.

Natasha sighed, "You coming to the house? Aunt Pol's saying she needs a hand," Natasha asked.

"Sure. The boys are terrible with math and they are like a pack of wild dogs when they start," Astella said and they both started laughing.

Elsewhere, in Garrison court, a cobbled street, Tommy was riding a black horse that trotted into the area and all the children that were playing in the child, mothers putting their washing on the line had stopped what they were doing, moved out of his way.

Tommy ducked under a line of sheets as he made his horse come to a stop and a Chinese man, Zhang, and young girl, Mai, rushed over to him, "Sir? This is her," Zhang said.

"The girl who tells fortunes?" Tommy questioned.

Zhang bowed in confirmation, Tommy barely glances at the young Chinese girl before Zhang pulled a small velvet bag from his inside pocket and held it up for Tommy to see there was a golden dragon woven into the velvet. 

Tommy reached into the inside pocket of his jacket. As he reached in, we see a long-barreled Webley revolver hanging in a tan-leather army issue holster. Zhang and Mai saw it too and shrink back. Tommy takes two-pound notes out of his pocket which he held up for Zhang to take as he made sure everyone watching could see the transaction.

Zhang took the money then handed the velvet bag to Mai. He quickly gave her instructions in Chinese and she seemed to be a little baffled but he urged her to do as she was told. 

Mai hesitantly opened the velvet bag and poured a palm-full of red powder into her hand. Tommy half smiled and urged her to obey Zhang's whispers. Mai placed her hand near the horse's nose and blew on the red power in her hand. A cloud of red dust hits the horse causing it to snort and shy.

Children in the alleys stared with wonder and whispered to each other, "They're doing a magic spell to make it win a race," A child whispered.

Tommy looked at Zhang and Mai and touched his cap before getting his horse to trot back the street, "The horse's name is Monaghan Boy. Kempton 3 o'clock Monday. You ladies have a bet yourselves but don't tell anybody else," Tommy called out, knowing that word would be spreading like wildfire as his horse trotted away from the courtyard.

"Those Peaky Blinder devils are using witchcraft now," A woman commented.

Meanwhile, Astella and Natasha were stood with Arthur and John in Arthur's office of Shelby's betting shop which was a converted house, "Where the bloody hell is he?" Arthur asked.

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