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The next day, the Shelby's were gathered together with a newspaper on the table, "So, uh... When was the wedding?" Arthur asked and chuckled.

"Don't fucking ask me, ask my apparent husband," Astella looked at Tommy who looked at her, "Now, are we going to publish our very soon divorce or are you going the spring that on me as well?" Astella asked.

"Come on Stella... It was all in a bit of fun," John said as he chuckled.

"Come on, we've got work to do... Oscar, Shane you can join us as well," Tommy said and they all left but Polly and Natasha.

"He's going to be the death of her," Natasha commented as she lit her cigarette.

"I don't think she'd complain," Polly picked up the newspaper, "Did you know about this?" Polly asked.

"Nope," Natasha said as Polly started to read the article Astella had written.

Ada walked into the room, "Good of you to join us," She glanced at her before returning to the paper, "Where have you been all day?" Polly asked.

"In bed. Couldn't sleep. Then I couldn't wake up," Natasha watched as Ada was cutting herself a slice of bed, "Then I was cold and then I had to go for a wee," She placed the slice of bread on a plate, "Then I was with this bear on a boat," Polly and Natasha looked at each other, "But that was just a dream," Ada walked over with the jar of jam and plate with the bread, "Then I was hungry," Polly and Natasha looked at Ada as she joined them at the table and Ada noticed Polly was reading the paper, "Why are you reading the paper?" Ada said.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Polly asked as she turned back to the paper as Ada put a dollop of jam on the corner of the slice of bread.

"I've never seen you read the paper. I've only ever seen you light fires with them," Ada said.

"Tommy and Astella are now married... According to the paper," Natasha said.

"Say what?" Ada asked.

"Part of Tommy's plan," Natasha said.

"What plan?" Ada asked and Natasha shrugged.

"BSA are on strike. The miners are on strike. IRA are killing our boys, ten a day," Polly and Natasha watched Ada as she took a bite of her bread, "Had a marriage in the family and even the bride didn't know," Polly said.

Natasha noticed something with Ada, "Ada, stand up," Natasha said and she glanced at Polly, knowing she also noticed it.

"Why?" Ada asked.

"Just stand up," Natasha put her cigarette down, Ada put her breakfast down and stood up as did Natasha and she walked over to her younger sister, "Side on," Natasha said.

Ada stood side on to Natasha who suddenly cupped one of Ada's breasts, "Oi," She slapped Natasha off of her, "What are you doing?" Ada said as she laughed in disbelief.

Natasha looked at her worried, "Ada, how late are you?" Natasha asked.

"One week," Ada said.

"Don't lie to me, I went through this with Astella, twice... I'll ask one more time. How late are you?" Natasha said.

"Five weeks," Natasha folded her arms not believing her, "Seven if you count weekends," Natasha sighed and sat back down, "I think it's the lack of iron... I got some tablets," Ada said as Natasha picked up her cigarette again.

"But they didn't work," Polly said.

"No," Ada said as she sat down.

"I'll contact the lady... Again... Gosh, you and Astella, the things I do," Natasha said as she stood up and then walked out of the room.

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