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The next day, Polly and Natasha were sitting in a Catholic church, their heads bowed in prayer. The doors opened and Tommy and Astella entered, Astella paused, lowered and she drew the cross over her then she and Tommy stepped into the aisle of benches behind Polly and Natasha and sat down.

"We have ten minutes. What do you want?" Tommy asked.

"An explanation," Natasha said as she raised her head.

"An explanation of what?" Astella asked.

"Of what's so secret," Tommy and Astella glanced at each other and Tommy placed his hand on Astella's thigh, "We've always been able to tell," Polly said.

"Tell what?" Tommy asked.

"When you're both hiding something to protect the other," Natasha said.

"People 'round here talk. Some of them work at the BSA," Tommy took a weary breath as Astella was looking at her hands, "I've been talking to the wives of factory hands. Detective been asking questions in the proofing shops," Tommy and Astella looked up, "Nothing happens at the factory without you, Tommy, knowing about it. And given you two are back attached at the hip, We're guessing Astella knows as well," Polly said.

"We're not attached at the hip..." Astella said.

"Stella, you're terrified of this Inspector and what we all know, including you is that Tommy won't let you be afraid and while you're afraid he will never leave you alone while you are in this state," Natasha said.

"Speak. God and Aunt Polly are listening. You can trust me, Stella," Polly said.

"Fine..." Astella sighed, "I'm a Shelby by nature and we don't keep secrets that can affect the others..." Astella said.

"Correct," Polly said.

"You are like a mother to me..." Astella said.

"And you are like a daughter," Polly said.

"The Inspector and my father... They do know each other... But they're not friends," Astella said.

"Family?" Natasha asked.

"In a way," Astella said.

"Soldiers?" Polly asked.

"Never fought in the war... They're the same person," Polly and Natasha looked at her, "The day we returned... He summoned me to the police station, he was under the impression I would spill everything straight away and he could get to work. I never said a word... That's when I returned to the house and told Tommy to walk me home. I told him straight away," Astella said.

"You're an Inspector's daughter?" Polly asked.

"Every day I wish I wasn't... He's here to clean up the town... But that's not all he's here for," Astella closed her eyes, "He won't leave unless I return with him," Astella said.

Polly turned to her and Astella tensed up, Polly reached over and grabbed the girl's hand, "You're family, Astella," She looked at Polly, "Your father is a cruel man, he doesn't deserve to be called a father after what you've told us he's done to you when you were a child. You're a Shelby by nature, we took you in and we don't turn our backs on family. Even you," Polly said.

"Thanks, Pol," Astella said and wiped away a tear.

"She still cries," Polly smiled, "Good to see Tommy hasn't rubbed off on you with everything," Polly said.

"My father came to Birmingham last year but returned to finish a job. Originally, it was to clean up the city, the gangs, the whores, the Communists, whatever isn't proper he's going to work to remove... But... Now... Well, there's another reason for his lovely return... Tommy," Astella said as Natasha looked at her brother as Polly turned back forward.

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