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The next day, Tommy and Astella were walking down a street with their arms linked, "We should discuss how we're going to stop the... You know with us both," Astella said as she inhaled her nicotine.

"You want people to know it's a lie?" Tommy asked.

"But that leads them to know the truth," Astella said and handed him the cigarette.

Tommy took the cigarette and inhaled the nicotine as she looked at him and he soon exhaled the smoke, "When you're father's gone, we can have that discussion," Tommy handed her back the cigarette and looked at her, "You good with that?" Tommy asked.

"Have to be," Astella took the cigarette and chuckled, "But on the matter of yesterday. John is, indeed, ten times the man you are, but you are ten times the beast he is" Astella said.

"Beast, huh? Never been called that, but I agree," Tommy said.

Astella inhaled the nicotine as they walked into the garage to find John cleaning one of the cars and Natasha stood watching him amused as she smoked, "Have you done something wrong, Johnny Boy?" Astella asked.

"Why'd you ask?" John asked looking at her confused.

"That's mine and Natasha's car," Astella said with a smile.

"It is?" Astella and Tommy nodded, "Oh, uh, well I did them both, wasn't sure which was Tommy's," John looked at Natasha who was grinning, "You could've said," John said.

"Car needed a wash, free labour," Natasha said, John flicked the wet cloth at her and she squealed a little.

"Don't worry about it. Did you do something wrong or do you need something?" Astella asked.

John looked at Tommy, "Tommy. I need a favour. I want to borrow the car," John walked forward a little, "I want to take Lizzie to the country with the kids. We're going to celebrate getting the license," John said.

Astella looked at Tommy, "We still haven't celebrated that," Astella said.

"The noises from your room nightly say otherwise," Natasha said and she inhaled her nicotine.

"Not a problem, John. And the car's that one," Tommy said as he pointed to the one that John was washing.

"I'll need the keys," John said.

"Look, John, you're my brother. There's something I have to tell you," Natasha walked over to John and handed him her cigarette which he took then walked over to the car, "Yesterday, on the front seat of that car, I offered Lizzie some money," John continued to clean the car, "And John? She said, 'Yes'. Now that's a fact. You do with it what you want. Take the keys. Take Lizzie to the county. Marry her if you want. But you have to know. She said 'Yes'," Tommy said and he took out the car keys.

Natasha walked over to John, "Johnny?" Natasha said softly as her brother hung his head.

"John Boy?" Astella said.

John exhaled heavily and walked over to Tommy, taking the keys then walked to the Shelby's family car and got in as the women and Tommy moved out of the way, looking at him as he sat at the steering wheel. John sighed and hung his head again before he grabbed his coat and got out of the car. He slammed the door shut and walked away, dropping the car keys on the floor.

Tommy sighed and lowered his head then Natasha stood in front of her, "Tommy," He looked at her and she slapped him across his face, "Couldn't you have done it a little gentler?" Natasha said and chased after John, she grabbed his arm.

"Let me go, Nat," John said.

"No," John looked at her reluctantly, "You were there for me when no other members of our family did when they said those things about Lizzie even knowing I'm the same... Let me help you," She placed her hands on his arms, "You're my twin brother, Johnny," Natasha said.

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