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Tommy and Astella walked into the Garrison and Grace walked over to Astella with glasses and a bottle, pulling her to the side, "Well, this is new," Astella said.

"Please," Grace said.

"Sure, what do you need to talk about?" Astella asked as they sat at a table.

Grace poured the glasses and handed Astella one, "Your father..." Astella hummed as she downed her drink, "He proposed to me," Astella's eyes widened as she spat out her drink and started coughing as everyone looked at them, "This morning," Grace said.

"Oh... Uh... And you said..." Astella said as she took out her handkerchief wiping her mouth.

"No," Grace leaned over the table, "Astella... He's blaming Thomas," Grace said.

"Right... Thank you," Astella said and walked over to Tommy and grabbed his arm before pulling him to the other end of the pub.

"Stell? What is it?" Tommy asked.

Grace walked over to the bar and placed the bottle and glass on it as she started to wipe the bar down, "My brother in Digbeth just said the police are coming down," Grace looked at Harry, "From Deritend in numbers, asking for Tommy Shelby by name," They looked over at Tommy and Astella who was looking at them, "Oh shit," Harry said 

Tommy and Astella walked to the backroom and Astella gestured to Grace to follow them, the three of them walked into the room, "I'm going to make this easy, a simple yes or no. Are you the snitch, Grace?" Tommy asked.

"What?" Grace asked.

"You ask Arthur questions and we know that he can talk a lot when he's drunk. Is Astella right?" Tommy asked.

Grace hesitated, "I don't know what you're talking about," Grace said.

"Astella has been around me all the time. You would be the only one who would be able to get the information out of Arthur very easily... I'll ask again, are you a snitch?" Tommy asked.

"Harry said the police are already in Digbeth," Grace said.

"Yeah, we know," Tommy said.

"So, you're not going to answer him?" Astella asked.

Finn opened the door and walked in, "The police are in the lane, Tommy, Stella," Finn said worriedly.

"Finn, I said for you to go home," Astella said.

"I'm sorry," Finn said.

Astella looked at Grace, "Keep your mouth shut and make sure Finn is safe, or so help me God the next grave I dig, you'll be in it," Astella looked at Tommy, "Follow me," Astella said as she grabbed Tommy's hand and she led him out of the pub.

At the Shelby's house, the police broke into the house and ransacked the house, looking for both Tommy and Astella, founding neither of them.

The police made their way to the Garrison pub and entered, following Inspector Campbell and everyone looked at them as he walked towards the bar, he placed his gun and bar and dragged it across before turning to everyone, "I'm looking for Thomas Shelby," Inspector Campbell said.

Everyone stayed silent, "Never heard of him?" Harry asked and Grace looked at him.

Inspector Campbell looked at Harry, unimpressed, and Finn looked at the policeman, "You'll never find him," Finn said.

Everyone looked at Finn and Inspector Campbell walked over to him, "Don't hurt him," Oscar stood up and looked at him, "Don't give Astella another reason to want you dead, you've already threatened the boy once," Oscar said.

Stirring Up The Town [T. Shelby || Peaky Blinders || Shelby's Girl Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now