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A few days later, Tommy and Astella were walking through a cemetery, "So, when did you hate Freddie?" Tommy asked.

"Stop asking questions," Astella said.

"You've never hated Freddie," Tommy said.

Astella scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Of course, think about it," Astella said as she looked at him.

Tommy looked at her, "Alright, then. You hate him," Tommy said.

They continued walking through the cemetery until they reached a grave and looked at the wooden cross above it with Daniel Owen on it. The two looked around to see no one around before they walked off.

Astella and Tommy were in the main room of the Shelby's house, they were drinking and he looked at her, "You coming back?" Tommy asked

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Astella and Tommy were in the main room of the Shelby's house, they were drinking and he looked at her, "You coming back?" Tommy asked.

"No, I'm staying with my brother. Not many people know where he lives, it's the safest place for me, right now," Astella said.

"Why did you make that deal... Woman you're impulsive," Tommy said and sighed.

"One of my many charms," Astella drank some whiskey, "You forgiven yet?" Astella asked.

"No. You?" Tommy asked.

"Doubtful," Astella said and poured herself another glass.

"To being hated by the rest of the family," Tommy said and held up his glass, she held up hers and they clinked their glasses together before downing their drinks as Natasha and Polly walked in.

Polly put a basket on the table and ignored them as Natasha sat at the table, "Did you speak to her?" Astella asked.

"She didn't speak back," Natasha said.

Tommy and Astella looked at each other, "Well, did you tell her?" Tommy asked.

"I'll only tell her what I know to be true," Polly said.

"It's the last we're going to say this. It wasn't us who shopped Freddie Thorne," Tommy said.

Polly looked at Tommy, "Tommy. I'd ask you to swear on the Bible, but you can't swear on that, can you? Nothing you hold sacred," Polly said and she walked out slamming the door.

"Whatever you two are doing, is Ada worth it?" Natasha asked.

"Neither of us shopped him," Astella said.

"Whatever your dad is making you do, don't do it," Natasha said.

"My dad isn't making me do anything, not anymore," Astella said.

"You already spoke to Freddie..." Tommy said.

Astella looked at him with a smile, "And you finally used your brain. I told Freddie that the two of us... Freddie and I will have to act like we hate each other," She stood up, "My father's getting desperate, he was willing to allow me to use him... Neither of us believed it would be on the day of his baby's birth... My father beat me, kicked me in the stomach because someone told him what Zilpha said that I'd be with a child soon," Astella said as she looked at Tommy.

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