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The next morning, Danny was walking quickly through Little Italy, mumbling, "Got to go bang, got to go bang..." Danny said, he sat down on a metal chair outside a small Italian cafe as he mumbled to himself.

The waiter from inside the cafe walked outside and looked at him, "Hey, what you do? We're closed" Danny continued to mumble to himself in despair, "Go home! Go home, crazy man. I said, go home, crazy man!" The Italian waiter took out his pocket knife as he approached Danny who soon looked at him and saw the knife, "I said, go home," The Italian waiter said.

Danny stared like a madman at the man, "Fix bayonets!" He yelled and hurled himself at the waiter, grabbed the knife, twisted it around and plunges it into the waiter's chest. Someone pulled Danny from the waiter as he realised what he had done and ran off.

At Small Heath, at Shelby's household, Tommy woke up and went to move but felt Astella against him and looked to see she was still asleep

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At Small Heath, at Shelby's household, Tommy woke up and went to move but felt Astella against him and looked to see she was still asleep. He placed his arm over her back as he reached over to his pocket watch and saw the time, it was almost the afternoon, "Stell? Hey," He put the pocket watch down and looked at her, "Stell? Wake up," Tommy said.

Astella stirred and opened her eyes, she looked up at him, "Morning," Astella said.

"It's nearly afternoon," Tommy said amusingly.

"Ah, shit," Astella said as she sat up.

"Aching?" Tommy questioning.

"From that? No," Astella said as she climbed over him and began to get dressed in her clothes from the evening then Tommy got out of bed and did the same.

There was a bang on the door, "Tommy?!" John's voice rang through and they both looked at the door, Tommy gestured to Astella to be quiet as he walked to the door, "You in there?" Tommy unlocked the door and opened it slightly, "Just woke up?" John said.

"What's the problem Johnny boy?" Tommy asked.

"Have you seen Astella? She's not in her room," John asked and Astella looked at Tommy.

"What are you doing going into her room?" Tommy asked.

"I didn't. Nat did and told me her bed hasn't been slept in," John said.

"Well, she's not with me. My door was locked. She wouldn't have been able to get in," Tommy said.

"Polly's going out of her fricking mind. That bloody girl," John said and turned to leave.

"Tommy, John," Natasha walked over, "It's Danny... He killed an Italian," Natasha said.

"I'll be down when I'm dressed," Tommy said and closed the door in their faces.

John and Natasha looked at each other, "Prat," Natasha commented and walked off.

"Oi! I hope that's not directed at me!" John said as he followed her.

Stirring Up The Town [T. Shelby || Peaky Blinders || Shelby's Girl Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now