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The next day, Tommy walked into Mr Zhang's workplace that a brothel-dry cleaning den. Mr Zhang saw him and walked up to me, "Mr Shelby, sir," Mr Zhang said.

"Mr Zhang," Tommy said then turned his attention to the suits and saw the nametag, Kimber.

"That suit is sold, sir. It is being collected this morning," Mr Zhang said.

"I know," Tommy said.

Billy and two of his men walked in, Mr Zhang dismissed his workers as Tommy turned to him, "Please, gentlemen. No fighting in here," Mr Zhang said.

"It's alright. I come as a friend... Even if he did kiss my wife in front of me," Tommy looked at Billy who didn't change his expression and Mr Zhang nodded before walking off, "You're collecting your suit for Cheltenham, it's very nice," Tommy said.

"How the bloody hell do you know?" Billy asked.

"I know a lot of things, Mr Kimber. I know how to get answers out of my wife without her realising it, the use of my tongue and my cock tends to do the trick quite a lot," Billy scoffed, "I know the kinds of suits that make her want to rip them off and the kinds that don't get that reaction," Tommy said.

Billy looked at the suit he was collecting then looked at Tommy, "Which is that one then?" Billy asked.

Tommy controlled his anger, "That's the thing, Mr Kimber... With you... I don't know. A man makes the suit, the suit doesn't make the man... Whatever that means," Tommy said.

"What do you want? To mark your territory with your wife? Where is she then as you say these things about her?" Billy asked.

"She's at home... And as I told you before, I know the Lee brothers. And I know they're going to be at the Cheltenham races as well," Tommy said.

"Yes. They're going to lose a lot of money on fast women and slow nags," Billy said.

"No. They're planning on showing up in numbers and robbing your bookies. Running chalk and raffles," Tommy said.

Billy scoffed, "You think I can't handle the Lees?" Billy said.

"Just a word of warning from a friend. That's all. You're taking my wife to the races, meaning you're the one who will be responsible if anything should happen to her," Tommy said.

"That a threat?" Billy asked.

"No... A concerned husband for his wife's wellbeing," Tommy started to leave, "I'll see you at Cheltenham," Tommy said.

"I'll wave at you from my box with your wife in my arms," Tommy inhaled the nicotine from his cigarette, "If you're coming to the races, bring that pretty barmaid of yours," Billy said.

"Already invited," Tommy said.

Tommy was walking down a backstreet when a ground of men ran out of a building and ran around him as they headed in the direction that he walked from, "Tommy! Tommy!" John called out as he walked up with Natasha

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Tommy was walking down a backstreet when a ground of men ran out of a building and ran around him as they headed in the direction that he walked from, "Tommy! Tommy!" John called out as he walked up with Natasha.

Stirring Up The Town [T. Shelby || Peaky Blinders || Shelby's Girl Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now