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At the police station, a policeman walked to a cell and unlocked it to see a beaten Freddie Thorne inside, the officer walked in, "Alright Freddie, time to go," The officer said.

"I want to get a message to Campbell. I can't let them move me to Brixton. If I go to Brixton, they'll kill me," Freddie said.

"Freddie... You're not going to get as far as Brixton prison. On your feet," The officer said.

It was time for the family meeting and the Shelby clan piled into the betting shop, Astella and Oscar stood together, and Oscar turned to leave, "No, wait," Oscar looked at Astella, "You're staying

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It was time for the family meeting and the Shelby clan piled into the betting shop, Astella and Oscar stood together, and Oscar turned to leave, "No, wait," Oscar looked at Astella, "You're staying. You're my family," Astella said and she walked closer to Tommy, standing beside Natasha.

Tommy stood near the blackboard as his family all looked at him, "Right. I've got you all here today because this is the day that we replace Billy Kimber. This is the day we become respectable. The day we join the official National Association of Race Course Bookmakers. But first, we do the dirty work. We've all known this day's been coming, Astella and I have just haven't told anyone the date," Tommy said turning around and looking at the blackboard then glancing at Astella.

"You're going to the Worcester races. The track opens at one. You'll get there at two. Now, Billy thinks you're going there to help him find the Lee brothers," Astella looked at John and Esme, "But thanks to the efforts of John and his lovely wife, Esme, the Lees are now your kin," Astella looked at everyone, "You all know Tommy very well and when I say, what I saw this morning, I never want to see again... I'm sure you all know exactly what I mean," Astella said as she pinched the bridge of her nose, looking down as everyone chuckled.

"Yeah, alright," John said.

"So, it'll be us and the Lees against Kimber's boys. We take them out but leave the bookies. I expect a swift victory which will send a signal all the way to London, that we believe in letting legitimate businesses run peacefully," Tommy said.

"And, uh," Tommy and Astella looked at John, "What about Kimber himself?" John asked.

"I'll deal with Kimber," Tommy said.

"And I'll have the champagne ready," Astella said.

"Why not now?" Natasha asked.

"Nothing to celebrate yet," Astella said with a smile.

"Any other questions?" Tommy asked.

Everyone looked around then Polly looked up when she noticed no one was going to speak, "Yes," Polly walked over to the double doors then looked back at everyone, "Oh, does any object if I bring a newcomer to the meeting?" Tommy and Astella glanced at each other and then looked as Polly was whispering at the door then she opened the door a little more and Ada walked in with her baby, "I'd like to introduce the newest member of the Shelby clan," Polly said.

Ada walked towards them as they all soon started clapping then Finn walked over to his sister and smiled at the baby, "Welcome home, Ada," Tommy said.

Ada nodded with a smile, "We named him Karl. After Karl Marx," Ada said and everyone chuckled.

Stirring Up The Town [T. Shelby || Peaky Blinders || Shelby's Girl Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now