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Tommy went to go meet Inspector Campbell at the dry cleaning den, he cleared his throat causing Inspector Campbell to turn to him and held out a police notice and Tommy pointed to one, "Malacki Byrne. Brigade commander of the South Armagh IRA," Inspector Campbell turned to him, "You hooked yourself a big fish there," Inspector Campbell said.

Tommy looked towards his car where Astella was sitting smoking and he looked back at Inspector Campbell, "With these guns as bait, who knows what we'll catch?" Tommy said and looked back at Astella who glanced at him.

"'We'. Are you suggesting that you and I could work together as a team?" Inspector Campbell questioned.

"Perhaps we have more in common than you think, Inspector," Tommy said as he looked at Astella again who was talking to Lizzie Stark with a smile.

"Can you deliver him?" Inspector Campbell asked as he also watched Astella.

Tommy nodded and looked at him, "With your help," Inspector Campbell looked at him, "And I want word put out in Ireland that I was not involved," Tommy said.

"So I'd be solving a problem for you," Inspector Campbell said.

"And I'd be winning you that medal," Tommy said.

Inspector Campbell laughed, "If I get a medal, I will have your initials engraved on my backside," Inspector Campbell said.

"My initials on your backside. That's, uh, that's quite an image," Inspector Campbell went to leave, "Inspector since we're getting on so well, can you answer me two questions?" Inspector Campbell looked at him, "Who gave you Freddie Thorne?" Tommy asked.

"As everyone in the city knows, Astella gave me permission but you did, Mr Shelby. Next question," Inspector Campbell said.

"Do you really think I'm going to allow you to manipulate Astella into leaving with you when I know you've beaten her?" Tommy asked.

"I beat her?" Inspector Campbell asked.

"I saw the state of her. Kicking her because you thought she was pregnant. She wasn't. She's not going anywhere, I'll make sure of that, Inspector," Tommy said and walked over to his car.

"Hey... Go okay?" Astella asked.

"Yeah," He got into the car, "What was Lizzie doing here?" Tommy asked.

"Asking if I was okay. She saw my dad kicking me but was scared to approach... Not that I blame the girl, he's a scary motherfucker," Astella said.

"Please... Answer me truthfully, Astella," She nodded and looked at him, "Did you tell your father where Freddie was going to be?" Tommy asked.

"I swear to you and to God himself and to Holy baby Jesus... I did not tell my father where Freddie was. All I said was I hate Freddie, so he'd break his word straight away and Freddie already knew my plan... But neither of us knew it would be the day of his baby's birth... I didn't want to say it, but I was terrified... Tommy... I felt like that 5-year-old girl again when he kicked me, trying to kill the non-existent baby he thought I had... I didn't know I wasn't pregnant, I thought I was Tommy, but after the kicking, I would have noticed anything wrong or... If I had... Lost a third by now, but then... I didn't know, I wanted him to stop so I could try and save... Well... My stomach now," She teared up and gasped, "Oh, God... He's gonna kill him," Tears fell from her eyes, "They're gonna kill Freddie," Astella said as she breathed heavily and Tommy took her into his arms.

"Hey, hey, shhh... I'll get him out, I'll get him out, I promise," Tommy said as Astella cried into him.

 I'll get him out, I'll get him out, I promise," Tommy said as Astella cried into him

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