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In Tommy and Astella's room, Astella woke up and she looked to see Tommy was still asleep, both were tangled up together under the bedsheets after hours of late-night activities, both naked. Astella kissed his jawline, causing him to stir and wake up, looking at her, "Sorry," Astella said.

"It's alright," He looked at the ceiling, "I'm a rather light sleeper now," Tommy said.

"Nightmares?" Astella asked as she rested her head on his chest and ran her fingers through his chest hair.

"You know what?" He scoffed a little, "I had none last night," He traced circles on her back with his fingers, "We should do that more often," Tommy said.

"Thomas Shelby, admitting he's going to stop controlling everything, even in the bedroom?" Astella asked amusingly.

"Just a little," Tommy said.

Astella sat up and felt Tommy's hand run down her back then she looked at him, "Don't worry about what Curly said," Tommy sighed, "I'm not, Charlie gave you your mother's ring, so what? Give it to the right person," Astella said as she climbed over him, getting out of bed.

"Don't want it?" Tommy watched her as she dressed and got ready for the day, "You said yes before the war," Tommy said.

Astella looked at him, "That was when you were sweet and gentle," Astella said.

"So you wouldn't say yes now?" Tommy asked sitting up, looking at her.

"Would you ask me, now? Knowing that neither of us is the same in-love couple we were when we snuck over to the river bank and hid by the haybales?" Astella asked.

Tommy scoffed and shook his head, "You're right. We're not those kids anymore," He walked over to her, not caring he was naked, "We're both completely different people. Neither of us can say we are, neither of us can say we want to turn back to the clock... Well, if you want to stop yourself from sleeping with all those men, I wouldn't object," Tommy said.

"And if you wanted to go back and not sleep with the whores, I wouldn't object either," Astella said with a smile.

"It would put you in a lot of danger," Tommy said as he placed his hands on her waist.

"You've already had it in the papers that I'm your wife... You can't be worried about my safety now if it's already in danger," Astella said as she placed her arms around his shoulders.

"I was more concerned about getting your father's attention," Tommy said.

"I know," She ran her hands down his arms, "Now, I suggest you get dressed unless you're planning something to do in this room before we leave it," Astella said.

"Hmm..." He bent down slightly, before grabbing her by the back of her thighs and then lifting her up, she wrapped her legs around his waist as he walked back to the joined beds and laid her down, hovering over her, "So, would you?" Tommy asked.

"Hmm... I would," Astella asked.

"Would what? Say yes or not sleep with all those men," Tommy asked.

Astella smiled a little, "Whichever you want," She chuckled, "Come on, we don't have time. We need to check in with Jeremiah," Astella said as she tried to move out from under Tommy.

"I have a better idea," Tommy said as he leaned down to kiss her but ended up kissing her forehead, much to his confusion. He looked to see her sliding down and got up once she was out from under him.

"Missed," Astella said as she walked over to her dressing table, brushed her hair and straightened out her dress.

Tommy turned around and sat on his bed, "Come here," Tommy said.

Stirring Up The Town [T. Shelby || Peaky Blinders || Shelby's Girl Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now