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Tommy was in the Garrison having a drink when Harry walked in from the back and walked over to him as Tommy was getting out a cigarette, "Astella not here with you?" Tommy stayed quiet, "You're not accustomed to not getting what you want, are you, Tommy? You wanted my pub and you took it," Harry said.

Tommy got another glass and placed it on the bar, "You got a fair price," Tommy said as he poured Harry a drink.

"What I got was an ultimatum. Like you give to everybody. Do it or else. And yet it's funny," Harry leaned on the bar and looked at him, "Everybody 'round here... They want you to win this battle. I think what it is, you're bad men, but you're our bad men," Harry sighed and took out a piece of paper, "Here," Harry handed it over and Tommy took it, "Been a long time since I saw Astella in tears. You better come back to her, I don't think she will survive without you," Harry said and Tommy looked at the letter and recognised Astella's handwriting.

'My Love,

I feel silly writing to you when you're literally in the same house as I am compared to when you were in France and I was here, waiting for your return. I never thought I'd be writing a letter and having it delivered to you before you went to fight so you knew you had someone at home, waiting for you, praying for you and loving you.

I am hiding something from you, but it's not what you accused me of. It's something else, something we both wanted or spoke about but the past has made it difficult for us both to have it.

When you get home, I will now be there. I will be home, waiting for you. So you better come home to me, Thomas Shelby, so I can tell you what I'm bursting to tell you. I love you so much and if what you said to me behind the bar was a slip, I understand, but if you meant to say that... It would make me extremely happy and I cannot wait to spend those years with you.

All my love.


Tommy exhaled heavily and pocketed the letter as Harry watched him, "You going to go find her before it starts?" Harry asked.

"No. She needs to stay safe. I can't worry about her at the moment. She knows she can't be my concern during a time like this," Tommy said.

"What is your concern, Tommy?" Harry asked.

Tommy took out his pocket watch and looked at the time, "The one minute. The soldier's minute. In a battle, that's all you get. One minute of everything at once. And anything before is nothing. Everything after, nothing. Nothing in comparison to that one minute," Tommy said.

"Didn't you get enough minutes over there?" Harry asked.

Tommy scoffed, "Seems not, doesn't it?" Tommy said.

Finn ran in and Tommy looked at him, "Tommy, they're here!" Finn said and Tommy put his cigarette out, put his cap on and coat then walked out of the pub.

Tommy took out his revolver and turned the cylinder before putting it back in his holster.

Up the street, Kimber's men were walking in front of a vehicle towards the Garrison.

Back outside the Garrison, Tommy walked forward and the Peaky Blinders walked after him as they kept their eyes on their enemy.

Back outside the Garrison, Tommy walked forward and the Peaky Blinders walked after him as they kept their eyes on their enemy

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