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Early in the morning, in Tommy's room, grunts and moans were heard as Tommy had Astella bent over in front of him, she clutched and pulled at his bedsheets as he thrust into her from behind, "Tommy~" Astella moaned.

"You're. Not. Going. With. Billy. Fucking. Kimber," Tommy said between his thrusts as he got rougher.

"Tommy, Tommy," She leaned back and grabbed his hips, stopping him as they breathed heavily and he rolled his eyes as he sat back on his knees bringing Astella with him, his arms around her waist as she panted, "I'm going with him and his wife to the races, my brother is attending the races as well as you, and your brothers. I'll pack my gun, my brass fucking knuckles if I have to," Tommy scoffed and shook his head, "I will be coming back home to you when the day is over," Tommy looked at her as she tilted her head back onto his shoulder, "But will you be coming back home to me?" Astella said.

"Yes," Tommy said.

"Then trust me as I'm going to trust you. And God knows you've given me many reasons not to trust you," Astella said and Tommy looked into her eyes as he leaned in and they kissed before he pushed her down, grabbed her by her hips and trusted back up into her repeatedly.

They heard the front door slam shut and both froze, looking toward the door. Tommy pulled out of her and got off the bed, he grabbed his pants and slipped them on as Astella put on her underwear and one of his shirts for quickness, and both grabbed a gun. Tommy looked at Astella before they quickly walked out of the room, Oscar, Polly and Arthur left theirs with their guns.

Tommy, Oscar and Arthur walked ahead as Polly and Astella followed them, "Where's Tasha and Finn?" Astella whispered to Polly.

"Asleep, you know what she's like and Finn's in his," Polly whispered.

They heard someone in the main room, the men turned into the room with their guns raised but stopped to see Natasha smoking at the table, "Natasha," She exhaled the smoke, "What the hell?" Arthur said.

"Didn't mean to wake you," Natasha said.

"Where have you been?" Polly asked.

"Out," Natasha said.

"Out where?" Tommy asked.

"Just out," Natasha walked over to Astella and handed her something, "Goodnight," Natasha said and walked upstairs.

"What's that?" Polly asked

Astella looked at the object in her hand, a piece of paper saying 'I'm sorry'. Astella walked over to a candle and then set the note on fire, watching it, "I'll deal with it," Astella said.

"Deal with what?" Astella dropped the burning note into the fireplace, "Astella, deal with what?" Polly asked.

"Something I've been trying to fucking sort for years. She has the Shelby stubbornness that one," Astella walked out of the room then sighed again, "I'll be killed because of you Shelby's," Astella walked upstairs, "Nat! I'm coming in," Astella said and walked into her friend's room then shut the door.

"Don't start," Astella leaned against the door watching as her friend undressed and saw wounds on her back, "I need water... Hot," Natasha said.

"Lock the door behind me," Astella left and Natasha locked the door as Astella walked downstairs, "She wants me a bath... Arthur put the tub outside her room and I'll deal with the water," Astella said as she walked over to the stove.

"What's going on Stella?" Polly asked.

"Don't ask questions right now, Pol," Astella looked at Polly, "Just don't," Astella said.

"Astella Campbell... How long have you been covering for her?" Polly asked as she clicked on.

"Years... Reason why I have a gun, knife and brass knuckles with me every single day," Astella said.

Stirring Up The Town [T. Shelby || Peaky Blinders || Shelby's Girl Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now