Chapter 1

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(Set in the past)

She dared not move a muscle. Although she was getting better than Legolas with her bow and arrow, he was always able to spot her before she could get away. The two young elves were playing a game they made up when they were only young. They called it 'Feredir a pruei' (Hunter and prey), and they always met up in the palace gardens to play it when they weren't training or when Legolas didn't have to go to some royal meeting.

Y/n hated being prey. She loved scaring Legolas as the hunter, he actually screamed once and y/n couldn't stop laughing. But, alas, she had promised Legolas that she would let him be Hunter if he helped her train. As she was a young elleth, she was forbidden from training with the older, male warriors, so she had to get Legolas to train her in secret. Thranduil knew both of the games and the training but he decided to let them continue. Something told him that her skill as a warrior would be vital to her in the future.

"Im'm tulurya na get cin (I'm coming to get you)", he was close, dangerously close, and if she wanted to remain hidden, she would have to move. Y/n scaled up the tree with practiced ease, and once she got high enough, she started to jump from branch to branch, trying to put as mush space between her and her Hunter. But the sudden movement caused the leaves in the tree to rustle, alerting Legolas to the location of his prey.

He smiled, knowing that she would get to the edge of the forest quickly in that direction, and from there she would have to cross over a river - and that would likely be unsuccessful as the river was far too wide to jump over. But she was quick, and if he didn't get going, she would be able to find another hiding spot before he reached her.

Leaping through the treetops, he caught sight of her long h/c hair, shining in the sunlight, before it dropped suddenly. Now Legolas ran faster, a sense of urgency pushing him onwards to where she fell. "Y/n?" He called. She did not reply "Y/N!" He was now seriously worried. What if she'd gotten hurt? What if he couldn't find her? What if he never saw her again?

Soon, he reached the edge of the forest, the sun shining brightly. Still he did not see y/n. "masse oiar de? De tur! (Where are you? You win!)". The river was slow today, allowing Legolas to see right through it's cool waters. Then he saw her emerge from under the surface, and she was laughing.

He instantly relaxed, knowing that she was safe, but also annoyed that she won the game for the fifth time in a row that day. He scowled at her and pouted, knowing that this would make y/n laugh more. He loved her laugh. It was infectious and warm. And he would give her the world if it meant hearing her laugh every day.

"Come mellon, join me. You look as though you need a proper water fight to cheer you up." The two friends would often speak in the common tongue of man when they were together, it was a sign of friendship and informality amount the two best friends.

"Fine, but be warned that I will end you."

"Oh it is on!"

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