Chapter 13

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Legolas didn't know whether to laugh, cry or run. He had missed her, he truly did, but he wasn't sure if he could face her just yet. Her presence here again meant they would have to talk. Talk about the cliff. And if y/n had any sense, Legolas was sure she'd ask him to never speak to him again. He wasn't ready for that. He would never be ready for that. But her being here just placed a time limit in whatever was left of their rela... friendship. He would have to apologise fast.

"Hey everyone." Y/n said calmly, holding eye contact with Legolas briefly before swallowing and turning to smile at Aragorn. 

Legolas felt his heart clench. It wasn't looking good. Although he supposed she could have ignored him completely, or hit him, or screamed at him. He wouldn't have been suprised, he would have let her. But for now he could settle with indifference.

"Good to have you back." Aragorn said with a smirk

"Why are you here?" Boromir asked

"Missed you too, wow. But I did come back for a reason..." she paused, looking at the bodies littered round them, and gave Gimli a quick comforting glance before collecting herself and carrying on, "I was coming back down the mountain when I saw a camp of orcs moving in and out of the mines on the other side. I came to warn you of the danger but it seems you've probably figured it out already."

"Yes, I believe it be best if we turn back now, we can still make for the gap of Rohan, it would be the safest option." Boromir suggested. 

"I agree...Frodo?" Aragorn asked

"Yes, that seems sensible."

"Well if we are all in agreement, we have no time to loose."

However it seemed some wicked force was watching them that day, for they had not taken even two steps back towards the entrance before there was a loud grinding noise and they fell into darkness.


Having no choice but to continue down the mines guided only by Gandalf's staff, the fellowship began their treacherous journey, hearts filled with unease.


Legolas' eyes kept drifting to the back of y/n's head as she talked amicably with Aragorn. Every so often she would glance over her shoulder to look at him, and every time he would turn his eyes to the ground, ashamed. Ashamed of both what he said, and ashamed he was yet to apologise.

He was stood so close to her the tension was palpable, she could feel the burning of his gaze on the back of her head

He took a deep breath in, reached out and prepared himself for the worst.


The elf in question whipped her head round at the familiar sound, her conflicted feelings in turmoil behind her e/c eyes.

", I just wanted to..." 

He was cut off by a weight being thrown into his chest and he was sure that she had struck him, it would only be fair. But the weight never left him, and he became increasingly aware of two arms wrapped around him, a face buried into his shoulder. Warmth blossomed across his cheeks, the tips of his ears dusted with red as he realised that she was hugging him.

He quickly responded, hugging her back with all the intensity of his love for her. He never thought he'd be able to hug her again, so he was not going to let this moment go to waste. He gently pressed his lips to the side of her head, closing his eyes and revealing in her comfort.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered to her hair.

Y/n didn't reply immediately, she was still very annoyed about what he had said to her on the mountain, but that was a conversation for another time.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19 ⏰

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