Chapter 9

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The last thing y/n remembered was regret. Regret she fell out with Legolas, regret she didn't tell him she loved him, regret that if she died now, she wouldn't be able to stop anyone else she cared about getting hurt. 

The last thing Legolas remembered was terror, the kind that curdled your blood and ripped your heart right out of your chest only to stuff it down your throat and stop you from breathing. When he heard her scream, he was terrified of loosing her, terrified the last things he ever said to her could be him insulting her to her face, terrified because he knew this was his fault.


He didn't think he had ever run so fast in his life. Tears blurring his vision, he relied on sheer adrenaline to carry him down the mountain, he knew he only had so much time before his limbs gave out and he collapsed. If that happened y/n would be as good as dead. He couldn't let that happen.

After what felt like hours of clambering down the rock face, Legolas finally reached the bottom. He ran over to y/n, refusing to look down at the pool of red slowly encasing her h/c hair, refusing to acknowledge the unnatural angle of her arm, refusing to believe that she might not make it out of this in one piece.

"...y/n...Y/n?" He called out softly, but to no avail. He refused to let himself panic. This would be fine, it had to be.

His legs burned as they carried him back to where the rest of the fellowship were still asleep, oblivious to the accident that had befallen their favourite elf (sorry Legolas). His mind and heart raced, moving faster than he could process. 

As soon as he was within earshot of his sleeping companions, he called out, "ARAGORN.."

The ranger woke with a start, jumping immediately to his feet at the sheer desperation in Legolas' voice. 


"Legolas slow down...tell me what's happened"

Legolas looked at y/n's head illustratively as he still held her tightly to his chest, and as soon as Aragon saw the blood matted with her hair he threw himself forwards, helping Legolas bring her body gently to the floor.

"Wake the others and get my pack, quickly." Aragorn spoke clearly to the elf, who did not respond.

"NOW!" Legolas sprung up quickly, shaken from his thoughts and he stumbled forwards, his vision blurry, and his mind on overdrive.


The next hour had been a race to stabilise y/n before she bled out, Aragorn had been leading their medical efforts, to which no one dared dispute after seeing how his face had paled and eyes darkened. The entire fellowship had been running round the camp and the base of the mountains, grabbing herbs and cloth to stop the blood, and sticks and vines to try to straighten y/n's broken arm. The entire fellowship except Legolas.

He has slipped into a trance-like state,  banishing himself to an alcove deep in the cave, he couldn't bear to go outside to help everyone, he couldn't risk seeing the bloody trail y/n had left behind. Just the thought of it made him feel sick. He knew he should be doing everything in his power to be helping her, it could make the difference between life and death, but hadn't he done enough already? Hadn't he caused her enough pain? Dwelling on it wasn't going to do anyone any good but he couldn't even bring himself to move. So he sat lost in what if's, what if she had fallen from higher, what if he hadn't heard her scream, but most importantly what if he'd told her the truth; told her that he wanted her to stay because he loved her, that the only place he ever wanted to be was by her side. But instead he messed it up. He messed it all up and now, now she was going to... she was... he didn't know. He didn't know because he wasn't even there, he didn't even know if she was still alive. Still paralysed, he let the tears fall, streaming silently from his eyes.

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