Chapter 2

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Set in the present

The arrow whistled through the cool morning air and landed right in the middle of the bulls eye. The crowd of other warriors that had stopped training to watch y/n clapped. Getting a bullseye was not hard for any elf, the difference was, the target was almost a kilometre away. Y/n had built her own bow, and it was powerful enough to shoot from a mile away, and yet light as a feather. The wood had been a gift from Legolas, and in exchange, y/n carved his name onto the limb of the bow, so that she may never hurt him with it. He didn't know she did it of course, as usually this would be done lovers who wanted to make a vow not to hurt each other.

As she knocked her next arrow, Legolas came running round the corner, a wide grin on his face. "Y/n! Y/n!" She eased back on the string. "What is it? What on earth made you so excited that you thought it wise to interrupt my training?" She put down her bow and the other elves, know knowing that she did not wish to continue shooting, left the two friends to their conversation.

"I'm leaving!"

Y/n was now incredibly confused, "I din't know you were in such a hurry to leave me?" She said sassily, putting a hand on her hip, pouting her lips. Legolas actually looked so upset she almost laughed. "What? No! I....I would never..." He could be really cute sometimes y/n thought to herself. "Don't worry, I'm just messing with you. I know you would never be able to survive without me."

Legolas knew she was just joking, but little did she know just how true that was. He didn't wan't to worry her, so he smiled quickly, remembering why he came to see her in the first place. "Umm... so I am leaving, father wanted me to go to a secret council meeting that's being held in Rivendell. Something about a ring." He noticed the slight sadness in her eyes when he said he was still leaving. She smiled sadly "oh, okay. How long will you be gone?". Legolas now genuinely smiled "From Mirkwood? About one moon. From you... never." Y/n was now really confused, touched, but confused. "And I from you but seriously?" He grinned. "Never, you're coming with me"

Y/n positively beamed. "But why? I am sure there is no world in which Thranduil would let me go to something that sounds so important?"

"I may or may not have pulled a few strings here and there..."


"All I did was convince him that I needed you there for extra protection . Not even he can deny you're excellence with a bow!" Legolas must of missed her blush for he carried on. "And the way you fight is so mesmerising, sometimes I wake up extra early just so I may have the chance of seeing you fight without you actually fighting me" He stopped speaking, suddenly realising what he just said. He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, suddenly feeling as though the suns heat was getting a little too much.

"Thank you Mellon" y/n was also now blushing profusely. "I would be honoured to accompany you to this meeting."

" we are leaving in an hour so you should probably start packing. If you need any help I-"

"Help would be greatly appreciated. I am honoured by your kindness my Prince" y/n's blush was replaced by a smirk, all of the awkwardness abruptly removed from the situation.

"You know I hate being called that!"

"Yes, well, deal with it. Come on we have packing to do." She linked her arm in his as they strode off together in search of y/n's chambers.

~ 1 hour time skip brought to you by Legolas's hair ~

Both elves were dressed in comfortable travelling clothes, with enough clothes and lembas bread to last them for weeks, for they had no idea of how long they would be away. The walked to the stables in a comfortable silence, letting the wind whisper stories of far off lands in their ears. Y/n's horse was a deep black, whilst Legolas's was a pure white, it's mane shining in the light. They mounted their horses and rode out the gates. It would only take about an hour or so to get there if they did not stop to rest, there would be plenty of time for that once they arrived.

About 10 minutes into the journey, both elves started to make conversation. It was mostly about what their theory's were on the reason for this meeting. Both elves were still slightly embarrassed over what happened this morning (more so Legolas than y/n) and so struggles to talk as freely as they usually do.

As they got closer to their destination, they found themselves talking more and more freely, the tension between the two slowly but surely wearing away. Sure enough, after what felt like only 10 minutes of talking, they arrives at the Rivendell border.

Jumping off their horses, they are taken to their temporary chambers and told when to meet the other members of the secret meeting whilst their horses were taken to the stables. Y/n flopped down on her bed. She couldn't have been more bored.

She heard a knock at the door. She walked over and opened it to see Legolas holding a bundle of white lace in his arms, a faint rose tint on his cheeks. "Urmm...well we were told to dress nicely and I though that you would have not brought more comfortable clothes, so I brought you this to wear to the meeting." When she didn't reply he spoke again "ifyoudon'tlikeitthenthatsokayijustthoughtthatitwouldlookniceonyou..." she grinned, "No, of course I'll wear it. Thank you Mellon nîn. Now leave me be so I can get ready, I'll meet you 5 minutes before the meeting here, okay?"

"Yeah okay" He smiled and left muttering something to himself about luck. After you closed the door, you were able to get a proper look at the dress he picked out for you. It was indeed white lace, with long sleeves and a cream coloured corset. It was beautiful.

She put it on and started to intricately braided her hair, weaving the long h/c strands into plaits and nots. She put on the necklace Legolas gave her for her 1000th birthday so long ago. She attached a knife to the strap on her thigh and put on a ring that could be twisted into a blade. She pondered over attaching her two swords to her side, but decided against it for she thought it quite unnecessary.

By the time she was done, she was due to meet Legolas, who, right on cue, knocked on her door a few seconds later. She opened the door to see Legolas in his normal clothes and suddenly y/n felt overdressed. "Hello you sure this dress isn't too much? I don't want to look like an idiot."

"What? Oh, no you look beau...fine. not like an idiot. It's not too much." He was dumbstruck by how beautiful she looked in the dress he chose, it made her skin glow and her eyes shine brighter that ever. He was enraptured.

"So shall we go my prince?" Y/n said, a face posh tone in her voice.

"I told you I-"

"Don't like being called my prince, I know I know. But we do need to get going, we don't want to be late for the meeting.

A/N ~ Please like and comment lovely people :)

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