Chapter 5

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Y/n mainly walked with Aragorn, Gandalf or Legolas when she could. The hobbits were fun, but usually talked amoungst themselves, reminiscing their peaceful days in the shire. Although Boromir's idiocy still irritated her, he had a good heart. And y/n respected Gimli, he was strong-willed and had a great sense of humour, but was also incredibly stubborn and so y/n didn't know how she felt about him just yet.

The fellowship had travelled through woods, over open plains and traversed many a hillside. During the night, the hobbits all slept close together; Gimli, Boromir and Gandalf all slept on their own; and Aragorn slept not too far from y/n and Legolas. Said elves always woke up closer than when they had fell asleep, usually to find Merry and Pippin smirking at them from across the Campsite.

Today, y/n and Legolas had settled into a comfortable silence, slightly ahead of the other friends, occasionally discussing the best path forwards. They reached a Rocky outcrop on the hill they had been climbing and decided to wait there for the others.

"The hobbits and Gimli will most likely be tired. We have come a long way should let them rest a few hours." Legolas decided

"I agree, this seems a good place to stop, and Boromir may be able to teach the hobbits how to defend themselves." Y/n agreed.

"Well then, I shall go and inform the others of our choice." Legolas left with a smile. God y/n loved that smile.

Gandalf and Gimli were discussing the way forwards whilst Aragorn was watching Boromir trying to teach Merry and Pippin sword fighting, and failing miserably. Legolas was sitting next to y/n as they sharpened their weapons, eavesdropping on the happenings round camp.

"Move your feet." Aragorn corrected Merry's poor stance.

"Faster!" Boromir shouted.

Y/n then turned her attention to Gilmore and Gandalf's argument. " If anyone was to ask for my opinion, which I note they're not, I'd say we were taking the long way round. Gandalf, we could pass through the Mines of Moria. My cousin, Balin, would give us a royal welcome." To which Gandalf replied, "No Gimli, I would not take the road through Moria unless I had no other choice". You were aware of the risks of taking the path over the mountains, but the threat of encountering goblins or possibly even a Balrog made y/n absolutely sure that she would rather take the path through the mountains.

Then, a tingling sensation crawled its way up y/n's spine and she looked up at Legolas, who also turned to her, a panicked expression carved on his face. Together, they climbed the nearby rocks, and looked intently towards the south.

"Elreine il forya, y/n" (somethings not right)

"Im adire"(I know)

Sam then spotted it too, "What is it?" He said, drawing the attention of the rest of the fellowship.

"Nothing, it's just a whiff of cloud." Gimli ignored the concern in sam's voice, turning back to Gandalf. Then Boromir actually used his head for once, to the great surprise of y/n.

"It's moving fast... against the wind." There may be hope for him yet she thought.

Then it struck you "Crebain from Dunland!" You cried.

"Hide!" Cried Aragorn, helping the hobbits find a hiding place.

"Hurry!" Boromir shouted, grabbing as many backpacks as he could find, stuffing them in a bush before hiding himself.

Y/n scrambled to put out the fire place, jumping from the rock she was standing on and throwing leaves and rocks over what remained of the fireplace. But she was pushing it for time, the Crebain were getting from

"Y/n!" Legolas shouted, but y/n couldn't hear him. She could only stare at the ominous shadow creeping closer towards her.

He ran towards her as time seemed to slow down. Shouting her name as his head screamed for him to hide but his heart screamed for him to go faster. He grabbed her arm and pulled her with him under a bush. He held her close to his chest, arms wrapped around her waist, protecting her from the monsters outside. Legolas looked at her face, eyes wide and glassy, tears threatening to spill over the edge. He held her even tighter as the birds circled the hill before turning back southward.

Y/n clutched Legolas's hand as the fellowship slowly came out of their hiding places. "Aeri cin okaui?" (Are you okay?) Legolas whispered softly in y/n's ear. She smiled weakly and looked up at him. "Imm u suaer, danste eraost, danste thui- im dane eafel ennas auste, im eafel ha tielas."(I'm not sure, I... I couldn't move, couldn't breathe - I could feel their rage, I feel it still). Y/n looked broken, and Legolas felt his heart break for her.

Only when the group started to gather their belongings, did Legolas realise that his and y/n's hands were still intertwined. He felt a strong blush rise to his cheeks as he gently released her fingers from his grasp. He made his way over to Gandalf, as pulled him to one side, out of earshot from the others.

"How's y/n?" Gandalf questioned.

"She's fine now, I think. But she said she could feel their rage, that it paralysed her, she couldn't move... couldn't breathe. Why? Why did it happen? Why did it happen to her?" Legolas looked back towards y/n, who was helping the hobbits pack their bags, seemingly oblivious to his conversation.

"There may be one thing.... it is uncommon but possible. Well, what your describing makes it sound like y/n may have a rare psychic ability found in some elves, much like Lady Galadriel."

"So she can read minds?"

"Yes, but we cannot understand the full extent of her powers without gift of time."

Legolas was completely dumbstruck. Y/n's powers would be a great asset to the fellowship, but at what cost? Would y/n have to experience other episodes such as the one she had just been out through? How would she be affected in all this? But suddenly a more personal thought entered his mind, did she see his feelings for her? Legolas knew that there was no way y/n felt the same way about him. And he also knew that he could not jeopardise their friendship like that. He couldn't loose her.

As he stared at the elleth, who now seemed to be challenging Gimli to some sort of competition, he heard Gandalf chuckle behind him.

"You like her... don't you." He spoke as if it was a truth, not an opinion of Legolas' true feelings towards y/n. And as he was preoccupied with watching the elf in question, he just mumbled an agreement, not realising what Gandalf had said until a few seconds later, when he turned sharply, and stared at the wizard with wide eyes.

"W...what?!! I...I don't..."

"I'm sorry, I distracted you from the view." Gandalf replied with a smirk.

"What? Oh, I..."

"Don't try to hide it from me boy, I've seen the way you look at her. Even the hobbits have caught on. Did you ever wonder why you woke up a lot closer to y/n than before?"

"No?... They moved me!" Legolas tried to maintain a front of anger that failed miserably when a blush spread over his cheeks.

"You should tell her. And if she does have psychic abilities, she'll find out soon enough."

"I...I can't. I can't risk loosing her." Legolas suddenly found great interest at the dirt on his shoes.

"I've also seen the way she looks at you." Gandalf whispered as he walked off.

Legolas' blush quickly enflamed, rendering him unable to rejoin the group without risk of serious humiliation. Little did he know, that a certain elf had looked over at him just as Gandalf was leaving, and had seen his blush. Y/n laughed at just how cute Legolas looked. 'Wait no, not cute' she thought 'I can't like him like that, he's just a friend....'. But then she remembered that she had other things to worry about. Like what the hell happened to her when the Crebain came.

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