Chapter 4

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As y/n and Legolas walked back to her chambers, she couldn't help but wonder wether going was the best idea: for one, this mission would likely end in her permanent demise, and what if she got hurt, what if Legolas got hurt? That would only make her a burden to the rest for she knew she wouldn't able to carry on without him, she couldn't. She started to get more and more nervous the closer she got to her chambers. Legolas, who had been watching her closely, and glaring away anyone who came to approach her, grabbed her arm and made her turn to face him.

"Are you okay?" He spoke in the tongue of man since everyone around them were elves. This offered a bit of privacy for the two friends .

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why? Do I not look fine? Because I am fine. You don't have to worry about me."Y/n could tell that Legolas didn't believe a word she just said. Why did he care so much? She didn't deserve him.

"Y/n, what's wrong."

"Nothing..." The look Legolas gave her made her trail off immediately realising he would not take no for an answer.

"It's just, what if something goes wrong. What is someone gets hurt and I can't do anything about it?" Y/n looked up at Legolas with tears in her eyes and he then pledged to himself that he would make sure she would never have to cry again if he could help it. His heart wrenched at the sight of her tears, his own eyes threatening to water.

"I promise you, no-one will get hurt as long as I have anything to do with it." He pulled her into a long and tight hug, which happened to be one of the most intimate interactions the two had had yet. Y/n blushed profusely at the closeness of their bodies, and although she could not see it, Legolas mirrored her actions.

"Come on, we need to pack. We have a long journey ahead of us." In reality, there was nothing he wanted to do but stay with his arms wrapped around y/n, making sure that no harm could come to her. Y/n mumbled into his shoulder and turned away from his embrace. But as they walked down the many paths of Rivendell, she clutched his arm, using it as a lifeline from falling into doubt and sorrow.

Soon enough, they made it to their rooms, which were next to each other and Legolas ignored his own door, walking straight to y/n's. He knew that she needed someone to be there for her, and even though she was strong, it was always nice to have someone to have your back when you had no idea what to do. He hesitated at her door, knowing that passing through it would be stepping over an unspoken boundary.

"I will leave you with this; if you do not wish to come, then I will see you next when this is all over, we can go back to Mirkwood and all will be as it once was. But, if you come, know that I give you my word I will make sure we succeed, no one but those from Mordor with have any harm dealt to them. And also, I don't know if I... we can do this without you." But if you do not wish to go, I will say my goodbye for we will be leaving early tomorrow." Legolas prayed silently that she would choose to come with them. He knew she had a right to choose, but he wouldn't know what to do if she wasn't by his side.

Meanwhile y/n had made up her mind, her friendship with Legolas was more important than a selfish reason to not do what was so clearly the right thing to do. "Well in that case, I thank you for your wisdom Legolas. You have made my decision all too clear. I must come with you." She let out a sad smile whilst Legolas was positively beaming. When he pulled her into a hug it felt different, more celebratory than intimate.

"Besides, I could hardly leave it up to a Dwarf to account for my resignation from the fellowship." Legolas laughed, and Y/n looked up to admire how his eyes sparkled with joy. She seemed to not realise that he had stopped laughing, and they were very close, and getting closer. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she felt a blush rise to her cheeks. But no, he would never like her like that. He was a prince and she was only his friend.

Legolas had to use every ounce of self restraint to not kiss her there and then. But she wouldn't like him like that. He was a prince, and she was free. He would be tying her into a world which she shouldn't have to conform to. And besides, there was no way she liked him like that and he couldn't jeopardise their friendship, he was lucky enough to have her in his life at all. He turned away from her embrace this time. He plastered a fake smile on his face, masking his reluctance to step away.

"We should pack." It was more of a question than a statement but nevertheless, y/n walked back into her room, not looking back. "I'll see you tomorrow morning." She said, finally looking at him. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight y/n."

That night his dreams were filled with y/n's face and hers of his.

~ time skip brought to you by Elrond's crown ~

Y/n woke up with the sun, putting her travelling clothes on and grabbing her bag from the floor by the foot of her bed. She walked out of her room and knocked on Legolas's door just as he opened it.

"Good morning Mellon!" She said, slightly startled.

"And to you. Are you ready?" He knew that she would still be unsure of her decision regardless of her assumed confidence.

"Yes. Thank you. Were are we meeting the others?"

"By the gates. We can head there once we've eaten."

Breakfast consisted of fruit and Lembas which both saturated their hunger and their taste buds. They ate until they could not possibly eat a single crumb more before heading towards the gate, laughing and reminiscing on past adventures the two had together in the past. They were greeted there by the other members of the fellowship with hugs (from Aragorn), smiles (a fake one for Boromir, but genuine ones for the hobbits and Gandalf), and mutual but respectful glares between y/n and Gimli. Although she found him insufferable, he was doing a noble and brave deed by joining the fellowship and so she could not hold much of a grudge.

"The Ring-bearer is setting out on the Quest of Mount Doom. On you who travel with him no oath nor bond is laid, to go further than you will." At Elrond's words, Legolas looked to y/n, but she squeezed his bicep in assurance (which she only sort of regretted after feeling how firm it was)."Farewell. Hold to your purpose. May the blessings of Elves and Men and all free folk go with you." They all bowed your heads in respect, their hands on their hearts.

"The Fellowship awaits the Ring-bearer." Frodo tentatively stepped forwards. Before him, the paths winding on either side.

"Mordor, Gandalf, is it left or right?" Y/n and Legolas both chuckled at that, he was too young in her opinion to have to take on sepulchre a task, but she trusted Gandalf's wisdom.

"Left." Gandalf answered.

Y/n took a deep breath. This was it. She looked to Legolas who was talking with Aragorn and realised there was no-where she'd rather be.

A/N ~ please vote, comment, and have an amazing day lovely people

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