Chapter 7

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At the front of the fellowship, Gandalf walked, his staff being driven into the snow, forging a way through a growing blizzard as he guided the Fellowship along a narrow ledge on the Pass. Y/n had given her cloak to Frodo, who was desperate clinging on to the little warmth that wasn't being sucked away by the ring around his neck.

Both Legolas and y/n ran out ahead, their steps light as they moved with ease across the top of the deep snow, staring into the blinding storm. He suddenly stopped and clutched her hand, pulling her protectively behind him as she strained her neck round his shoulder, trying to spot what had made Legolas so protective.

"There is a fell voice on the air!" Legolas called, trying to ignore the warmth of y/n's breath on his sensitive ears.

"It's Saruman!" Gandalf called. Y/n could now hear the voice in the wind, chanting in a strange language. She pressed herself impossibly closer to Legolas, who noticed this and turned to let her bury herself into his shoulder.

With a booming echo, a horde of rock slabs and boulders fell from the mountain's arms. The Fellowship shoved themselves flat against the sheer cliff wall to avoid the onslaught of stone, y/n still encased in Legolas' firm hold.

Aragorn called out, "He's trying to bring down the mountain! Gandalf, we must turn back!"

"No!" He replied before stepping out onto the ledge, rising on the snow. "Losto Caradhras, sedho, hodo, nuitho i 'ruith!" (Sleep, Caradhras, be still, lie still, hold your wrath!)

A second avalanche of white ice fell onto the Fellowship. Legolas released y/n and snatched Gandalf from the edge, pulling him against the cliff just before the ice-fall hits. The avalanche cascaded over the Fellowship, and snow buried them completely.

Legolas was the first to emerge, quickly helping the halflings escape the snow. Once everyone was out he looked around for y/n, but he couldn't see her and he began to panic.

"Y/n?" No response "Y/N! Can anyone see her?! Y/N!!"

"Legolas?" The elf in question quickly turned around to see y/n, completely fine, standing in front of him. He quickly embraced her, before realising the situation of the rest of the fellowship and pulled reluctantly away.

"Why didn't you answer?" He whispered so only she could hear.

"I lost my necklace. I was looking for it in the snow so I couldn't hear you." She replied.

"You scared me." He said even more quietly.

"It was the one you gave me, it's my favourite and would be too dear to me to leave behind." Legolas pulled her back to his side, beginning to speak before being interrupted by a freezing Boromir.

"If you two are finished flirting, we must get off the mountain! Make for the Gap of Rohan and take the west road to my city!"

"The Gap of Rohan takes us too close to Isengard!" Aragorn exclaimed.

"If we cannot pass over the mountain, let us go under it. Let us go through the mines of Moria." Gimli piped in. But in Gandalf's eyes there was a shadow of doubt, of a fear that lay unsaid.

"Let the ring bearer decide." He said grimly.

"We cannot stay here! This will be the death of the Hobbits!" Boromir shouted through the snowstorm, holding Merry and Pippin to him. Both looked cold and extremely pale, and for once y/n respected him for putting the welfare of someone

else before himself.

"Frodo?" Y/n called.

"We will go through the mines." He said.

Legolas clutched y/n tighter, knowing that if Gandalf feared what lay inside the mines, there would be only fear and fighting ahead.

Have an amazing day lovely people :)

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