Chapter Ten

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*Destiny's POV*

I could see the light from his iPhone. It was laying on the ground, alone and abandoned. I ran and grabbed it quickly. It was quite dark outside. I could use it.

"Where could he be?" I wondered in my head. I stood in one place while considering which way to run. 

I barely felt the hand grab my ankle before my head hit the ground and all I could see was blackness.


Flashback-Destiny's POV

The club was filled with people. Someone was constantly rubbing on me, purposefully and accidently. A guy slid up next to me. I turned and smiled at him, being friendly. "Would you like a drink?" he questioned. I giggled and nodded. I probably shouldn't have another one but...this might be my last week here. Why not make the most of it?

We talked and laughed, all the time I was get even more drunk that I should be, than any human being should be. He told me his name was Max. 

"Do you want to go somewhere...a little less crowded?" he basically shouted in my ear, trying to overcome the loud music.

I nodded and he grabbed my hand. He helped guide me through the club towards going upstairs. We reached the stairs and I felt Max stop. I had been so concentrated on watching my feet, trying not to trip, that I didn't even notice that Max ran straight into none other than...Niall.

"Uh, excuse me," Max said, pushing past Niall. If looks could kill Niall's facial expression could have murdered Max 5 times. 

"What do you think you're doing?" he yelled, looking over Max towards me. I felt Max pulling on my arm. 

"It's a little too crowded for me so we were going to go hang out upstairs," I explained. 

Niall's eyes flashed to Max and then back at me. "I don't think 'hanging out' was all loverboy here had in mind," Niall says.

"Whatever, Niall. It's not like that. If you want to join us, you can," I replied.

"Actually, no, he can't," Max finally piped up. He then pulled really hard on my arm and I started to follow him up the stairs. I looked back over my shoulder and saw Niall. He was standing there staring back with fear in his eyes, fear for me. 'Please don't' I saw his lips form as I turned the corner.

Max pulled me into a room and I followed. 

"You're not dating him, are you?" he asked.

"Datin' who?" I slurred out. 

"Niall Horan," he stated simply. 

"Oh, no. We're just friends," I managed. I didn't add how I wished I was with Niall. I've only known him for two weeks. We had spent almost every day together and I must say he was amazing. He was so sweet and caring and everything I have ever wanted. But he doesn't feel the same. I know it. I can tell. 

"Good. Because I don't know if I could sleep with his girlfriend. That would just not be good," he whispered in my ear.

"Sleep with me? I think not," I said and pushed him away. 

"Sweetheart, what did you honestly think I brought you up here to do? Talk? You should have listened to Niall," he said as he grabbed my arm. 

"Now don't be a bitch and let me fuck you," he said as he pushed me against the wall. 

He held both of my arms in one place as he unzipped my dress. A huge rip went through the dress. I screamed.

Niall's POV

I was walking down the hall to the bathroom when I heard her scream. It came from the opposite side of the hallway. I ran back to a door. I heard her screaming still as I threw open the door. I paused for a second when I saw it. He had her pinned against the wall and she was crying. He had her arms pinned down and he was undressing her. Her dress fell to the floor. His shirt was already off, his pants undone. 

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" I yelled as I ran up behind them. I pulled him away from the wall. I swung my hand around and hit him square in the jaw. He fell to the ground and I kicked him in the stomach. He was knocked out already. 

I turned to Destiny. She had slid down to the floor and was sobbing. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into a hug. In any other situation her half-nakedness would have phased me. But not now. Not when she was hurting. "Let's get you dressed, love. We need to leave," I whispered in her ear. She nodded and stood up. I retrieved her dress from the floor and handed it to her. 

She slid into it as I turned away. "Great," I heard her mutter from behind me. I turned to look at her. The dress was ripped acrossed her chest, leaving little to the imagination. I obviously wasn't going to let her go out there with her bra hanging out. I slid my shirt off and handed it to her. 

"Here, just slide this over your dress," I said and she did. I handed her my sunglasses, hoping to cover her eyes. They were red and puffy from crying and I didn't want people to ask questions. I held her hand and pulled her out of the room and through the crowd of people. We went out the back and I walked to my car. I opened the passenger side door and helped her in. 

I got in and started the car. Destiny was shivering. I turned on the heater, though that probably wasn't the issue. 

We drove for a little while in silence. 

"Where are we going?" she asked. 

"I was going to take you to my flat, that is if you don't mind. I don't really like thinking about you alone right now." 

"Oh," she stated simply.

 More silence overtook the car. 

As we pulled up and parked I got out and helped her out of the car. I noticed she had a slight limp. I would have to check it out when I bandaged her up. 

After I got her inside I had her sit down on a chair in the kitchen. I quickly retrieved a first aid kit. 

"Would you mind slipping the shirt off? I have to clean up your arms and your chest," I asked. I would have understood why she would say no. But she slid the shirt up, wincing a little. I wanted to cry for her, she was in so much pain all over.

I put bandages on all of her cuts. After I was done, she finally looked up into my eyes. I wasn't sure what I would find when I looked into the depth of those brown eyes. I thought it would hold only pain. But there was a hint of confusion there, not well hidden. 

"Why are you doing all of this? Why do you care? After how I just blew you off back there?" she questioned. 

"Because I needed to save you. You mean more to me than you know. I like you Des. And I need to protect you," I whispered and then stood to walk away, embarassed that I had just admitted that. I felt her arm grab mine. I turned and looked into her eyes. A single tear slid down her cheek.

"Really? You like me too? I never would have thought so. I thought I was the only one. Niall, I really like you too. Like beyond words," she whispered and stood up in front of me.

I leaned down into her lips before I knew what was happening. I felt her lips, warm and sweet. I had waited for this for a while now. When we pulled away she whispered to me words that I will never forget.

"Thank you, Niall. For saving me. Tonight and the first night I met you. You gave me hope of a good life. I want to be with you."


Flashback Over- Destiny's POV

My head was pounding. I didn't open my eyes but I groaned.

"I think she's awake," I heard someone faintly whisper.


Author's Note:

Hey lovelies. Thanks for reading this chapter. It was sad writing it. But sorry it has been so long. Been soooooooooooo busy(: Anyways I love you guys! And as always....

Stay Beautiful xoxo 

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