Chapter Two

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*One Year Later*

"Niall, love. Where are my crisps?" I yelled. Our house was large enough that I could never be sure he would hear me. But it was more likely that he was just ignoring me. I moaned and started walking towards the staircase. Right as I was walking by the pool, someone came running around and jumped in, taking me with him. 

"Lou! What are you doing here? And why did you do that?" I demanded as I resurfaced. I was soaking wet and I was freezing. 

"Lighten up love. You need to have a little fun. I was trying to make you laugh. I thought that's what best friends were for," he pouted. Oh Louis, I loved him so much. He really was my best friend. 

I laughed. "I'm sorry Lou. Just a long day." And then a bunch of huge splashes behind us. Apparently Lou wasn't the only one who invited himself over. Sometimes I felt like I ran a daycare. Cooking, entertaining, and forever cleaning up after these five boys. They were my life now, what can I say? 

As they all resurfaced, we started to splash each other. I could barely see who I was splashing because of all the water that was in the air but I never caught a glimpse of the familiar blonde hair that I knew so well. Where was he? Just then I felt someone grab my waist and I felt lips touch my neck. "Miss me?" he whispered in my ear, barely audible over the noise of the water and the boys yelling and laughing. 

I turned around and looked into his eyes. "So much," I answered and then I closed my eyes as he leaned in for a kiss. And I did miss him. I missed the feel of his lips and the smell of his skin. I missed that feeling of security I always felt when I was in his arms. I cherished ever moment I had with him. He was my safe haven. 

"EW!" I heard Lou yell from across the room. "Get off of my best friend!" I giggled and turned around. 

"Shut it, Tommo!" With that I splashed him in the face. He faked like he was drowning. Niall laughed in my ear. That was one of my favorite sounds in the world. 

"MY HAIR," Zayn yelled. "I'm gonna kill you Payne!"

"You couldn't catch me if you tried," Liam shouted back. Harry's face was so red from laughing I thought he would suffocate any second. I looked at all of this and smiled. I loved my little family so much. They couldn't have picked five better boys to be in this band. I felt a hand grab my foot and I was instantly pulled under water.

I opened my eyes down there and saw Lou holding onto my foot. I felt Niall trying to pull me back up. I felt like I was in the middle of a tug of war. Louis swam to the top, never letting go of my foot and I resurfaced with him. "Give me my girlfriend back!" Niall yelled. 

"Not a chance, Buddy!" Louis laughed. I managed to slip free from both of their grips. I yelled for Liam to save me. Liam came swimming toward me, always there to save me when in need. I laughed as he wrapped one arm around my waist and pulled me away from Louis and Niall into the shallow end. Of course, this is where I found Zayn. He can't swim. I have been trying to get him to let me teach him and I think I almost had him cracked. 

"They nearly ripped me apart back there," I said to Liam, "Thanks for rescuing me. I owe you one."

He laughed and swam away. I turned to Zayn. "Haven't seen you in a while. Whatcha been up to?"


Once we were all out of the pool, I went upstairs to my room to shower and get dressed. Niall followed me upstairs into our room. "How was your day, love?" he inquired. 

"It was so long," I replied, "I miss you when I'm gone. It makes the day go slower, knowing that all I want to do is come home to you."

"I hate it too. I hate not being able to wake up to you next to me. It gets really quiet around here when you are gone. It always feels like something is missing," he whispers.

"Good thing I always come back," I say cheerfully, trying to lighten the mood. He smiles and I walk into the bathroom. I slowly undress and get into the shower. It is so warm. I love the feeling of warmth all over my body. Too soon I know I need to get out.

I get dressed quickly and then I run downstairs where the boys are all trying to decide on a movie. They finally decide on some scary movie. Harry stretches out on the floor. Zayn, Lou, and Liam take the couch. Niall and I take the chair. There isn't much room but that's how we both prefer it. I love being so close to him. 

When the movie is over, I barely even know what it was about. The first hour of it I spent watching Niall, listening to him breath, watching the rise and fall of his chest, playing with his hair. The last half an hour I spent falling asleep with my head on his chest. When the movie was over, the boys went to get blankets and pillows. Apparently they were sleeping over. They always sleep in the living room. I don't know why. There are 8 bedrooms aside from mine and Niall's. "Uh, guys. Don't you think you should ask if you can stay?" Niall saying while laughing.

Harry looks at me. "Des, can we sleep over? Pretty please?"

"I don't care," I mumble, half-asleep. I hear a chorus of yays. 

"Ready for bed?" Niall whispers. 

I mumbled yes but I'm not sure it came out quite like that. I was barely awake. I felt Niall lift me up and carry me across the living room and up the stairs. This reminded me of the first night I met him, when I passed out and he had to carry me to my dressing room. He walked into our bedroom and shifted me just slightly so he could pull back the blankets. He lied me down in the bed and covered me up. He got in the other side and then he wrapped his arms around me and I buried my head in my chest. 

The last thought I had before sleep swallowed me into it's blackness was that this felt right. I felt like this was where I belonged. 


Author's Note:

Surprise! I posted the next chapter early! I hope you like it. I will have another chapter posted soon! I love you all!


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