Chapter Twenty Two

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*Destiny's POV*

I absolutely hate blood transfusions. I've just woken up in the hospital and I automatically knew that there was multiple blood transfusions. It's weird because they put blood into your body, blood that isn't yours. 

"You know, you act rashly, Des. That was very idiotic of you. You scared us all so much," I heard Louis say.  I twisted my head to see his face and there he was. 

"Lou, you're dead," I stated simply. He rolled his eyes at me and took two long strides towards the hospital bed. He reached out for my hand and I grasped his. It was warm as always. 

"Do I look dead to you? Do I feel dead to you?" he questioned and I saw a smirk playing at his cheeks. I lifted my arm up and traced the contours of his jawline. I saw the fresh scars lining my arm and I fought to ignore them.  He didn't feel dead. He actually felt very alive. 

"How do I know I haven't died? How do I know that we aren't both dead?" I questioned and the smirk was wiped clean of his face. 

"Destiny, we are both alive and I'll prove it to you. I'll be right back," he said and he exited the room swiftly. I was left alone, entirely alone. I looked at my scars again. They were a vivid pink against the pale tone of my skin. I used my right hand to trace each scar, one by one. It took me a moment to realize I was crying. I giggled at my own immaturity and wiped the salty tears away from my cheeks. 

The door to my room opened and I glanced up towards it. Niall walked in and stopped when he saw me awake. He was holding a half-eaten sandwich in his hand. 

"Destiny!" he yelled and walked over to my bed. "Scoot your legs over," he said rather bossily and I complied. He then sat where my legs had been. "How are you feeling? Good. You look sort of pale but I guess that's to be expected. Are you feeling dizzy? Can I get you anything?" he rambled on and on. 

He took a bite of his sandwich and then guilt washed over his face. "Oh, sorry. If I'd known you were awake, I would've brought you some food," he said and then handed me what was left of his food. I quickly pushed it back into his hand. 

"It's fine, Niall," I whispered. 

"Is it because I've eaten off of it?" he asked. 

"Niall, I kiss you ever single day. Trust me, your saliva doesn't bother me at all," I said and laughed at him. He laughed with me and for a second I forgot about being in the hospital. 

The door then flew open. "Dammit, Destiny. I know this isn't going to sound good, but I can't find Niall. I swear you're alive though," Lou said. He then looked up from his phone. "Oh, hey," Lou said to Niall and then he looked at me. "Do you believe that we are both alive now?"

"Yeah, Lou. I believe you," I said and smiled at him. Louis bent over and hugged me. "I'm going to give you guys some time alone. I'll see you in a bit," he said then pressed his lips to my cheek gently. 

Everything was silent for a few minutes after Louis left the room. I knew Niall wanted to talk about the incident but neither of us knew how to begin this conversation. 

"Look, I'm sorry, Niall," I whispered. I really was. I felt horrible because I knew how much I had hurt him. 

"You were hardly alive, Destiny. I was so close to losing you forever. I didn't know what I would do," he said and stroked my hand with his thumb. "I'm marrying you because I can't imagine my life without you. I can't live without you so I'm making you mine forever. And you almost took that away from me. It was quite rash of you to do. That would have killed me."

I bit my lip and tried to hold back tears but to no avail. Niall's hand cupped my face as his thumb wiped the tears from my cheeks. 

"I love you, Destiny. And without you my life is meaningless. There is nothing for me without you," he whispered. 

"I love you, Destiny," he said again and then he met my steady gaze.

"I love you too, Niall," I replied and then his lips found mine. This was the only release that was better than cutting. Niall was my release.

"I don't want to feel like you have to cut. I want you to be able to come to me when you are upset. I want you to come to me when you feel weak," he whispered in my ear. 

"I was thinking, maybe, next time I feel like I need to cut I would go straight to you," I whispered, "I like you more than I like cutting." 

I heard him chuckle and then he laid down next to me on the small bed. I draped head and torso across his chest and I listened to his steady heartbeat. I drifted into a deep sleep, listening to the lullaby of his heart.

*Harry's POV*

I scrubbed the blood off the tile. I knew what it would do to Niall if he saw the huge mess of blood. Especially if Destiny didn't make it. He would be torn apart. 

Destiny. My sister, of course not biologically, but a sister nonetheless. I can't imagine what that would do to our 'family.' I rinsed the cloth off in the sink and watched the red water flow down the drain. I felt like vomiting, not because of the blood but because of how easy it was washed away. It was like the incident never happened unless Destiny never came home again. 

I heard someone banging around downstairs. I listened, not sure who it would be. I thought everyone was at the hospital. I had just been released when I heard about Destiny. Everyone else of course, was still at the hospital. Zayn was still being hospitalized and Perrie was with him. Liam and Louis were both with Niall. He needed the support. And I came home to clean. Danielle and Eleanor were both sleeping. 

I set down the cloth and slowly stepped out of the bathroom. The whole house was dark and I didn't turn any lights on. I slowly stepped down the stairs, one at a time. I quickly made my way into the kitchen. Why did the kitchen have to be so huge? I crawled across the floor and grabbed a knife out of the knife block. I stood slowly and I heard another crashing sound just on the other side of the wall. I took a deep breath and flung myself around the corner, jabbing the knife out in front of me.

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