Chapter Fifteen

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*Niall's POV*

Destiny had to travel tonight so I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep. I quickly decided that wasn't going to happen. I never really sleep well when she isn't here. I roll over and grab my phone. I was scrolling through twitter when my heart stopped. Someone had tweeted a picture of Destiny with another guy. Not only was she with another guy but she was making out with him. Hardcore.

I felt tears burning my eyes. "Damn," I whispered and through my phone across the room. It hit the wall and then fell to the ground with a loud banging noise. I rolled over and stuffed my head into the pillows. How could she do this to me? Destiny would never do this, at least that's what I thought. 

We were supposed to get married. How could I marry a girl who was cheating on me? 

I heard my door fly open. "Oh my god. What was that noise? Is everything okay?" I heard Liam shriek from behind me. 

"No," I sobbed. 

I felt him sit next to me on the bed. "What's going on, Niall?"

"Destiny's cheating on me," I choked out, trying to stop crying.

I felt him sigh. "Niall, no she isn't. You are just way too insecure. Do you honestly think that she would do that?"

I rolled over and sat up. "Give me your phone," I demanded. He handed it to me without saying a word. I quickly opened twitter and found the picture. I handed him the phone and fell back onto the bed. The emotions were overwhelming. I never would have guessed that Des could do this. 

"This is from like a year and a half ago. See, Destiny doesn't have that tattoo on her wrist. This was before you even knew her," he said and I looked at the screen. He was right. Relief flooded my body.

"Besides Destiny is downstairs. She just got home. She finished early and got a flight back so she could be home tonight," Liam explained. "So are you going to be okay?" he questioned, still sounding a bit worried. I nodded. "Niall, you need to stop believing the media. You know they spread rumours like this just to upset everyone. You can't keep letting things like this get to you. Destiny wouldn't cheat on you anyway. Your the only guy she loves like that. And you guys are getting married. She wouldn't have said yes if she was totally sure you were what she wanted in life," he said. "Now I'm going to go downstairs and finish making some food. You need to calm yourself down and then come and eat," he finished and left the room.

I just laid on the bed for a few minutes. Liam was right. She wouldn't ever cheat on me. She was too good of a person. But I really sometimes felt like she was too good for me. A lot of the fans always say they love me. But they haven't ever really had to deal with the real me. I'm insecure and annoying sometimes. I always am eating and I admit, sometimes I ignore Des when I'm eating or texting. I'm always busy and sometimes when I'm drunk I can act like an ass. 

But she takes me that way because she loves me. For some insane reason I got to be with a talented, beautiful, fun, loving girl who loved me more than anything in the world.  

I heard my door open again. "Niall," I heard her whisper from across the room.

I stood quickly and ran to her, wrapping her in a huge hug. "I'm so sorry. I know you wouldn't ever do it," I stuttered out. I felt her hands pushing me away. 'No,' I thought. She was mad. I only had a few seconds to think about that when I felt her hands wrap around my waist as she leaned into my lips. Okay, maybe she wasn't mad. I could spend every second of every day kissing her. I loved it so much. She pulled away.

"Niall, I'm marrying you because there isn't any other person on this planet I want. I love you and I will love you forever," she whispered. 

I grabbed her hand and we walked downstairs into the kitchen. Something smelled delicious and I was starving.


*Zayn's POV*

I could see they weren't fighting so that was good. After we finished, I asked the others if they wanted to out for a while. Niall said he was going to stay home with Destiny. I nodded simply as the boys and I left the room to go get ready. I quickly changed into a different outfit. I grabbed a hat and then grabbed my keys.

The boys were already waiting downstairs when I got down there. "Ready?" I asked and they all laughed. They were always ready before me. We all got into the car; I was driving. I glanced at my phone quickly:

From: Dessss(:

Hope you guys have fun tonight. Stay safe and don't break any girl's heart. 

To: Dessss(:

Will do. Love you.

I pulled out of the long driveway. About five minutes later she texted back. I glanced down at my phone.

From: Dessss(:

Love you too!

Just then I heard Liam yell my name. I looked up quickly and dropped my phone. I looked out to see the windshield breaking into a million pieces as the car was crumpled. I felt something crush into my side and I felt the car roll over. I felt a searing pain in my leg. And that is when I lost consciousness.


Author's Note:

Hey guys! How is your day going?!?! This chapter was a bit dramatic. But yeah...who is worried about the boys...I am :( I will comment Zayn's outfit below. Anyways vote, comment, add, fan and all that jazz(: I love you all. Thanks for reading! And as always...

Stay Beautiful xoxo

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