Chapter 35

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*Destiny's POV*

My eyes fluttered open as I felt the car slow to stop and the gentle hum of the engine end abruptly. I heard the keys jingle as Niall pulled them from the ignition. "Welcome home Mrs. Horan," he said, smiling at me. Mrs. Horan. I loved the way it sounded yet I wasn't sure that I'd ever get used to it. It seemed impossible to me still that we belonged to each other for the rest of eternity. He loved me, in a way I thought no one ever would. 

I climbed out of the car into the brisk evening air and shivered. Niall quickly walked around to my side, wrapping me in his jacket and lifting me to carry me through the door. Great, I thought, another threshold. The house was dark and Niall set me down, but before either of us could reach for the light switch, the lights turned on and before me stood the boys, Eleanor, Perrie and Dani. 

"What are you guys doing here?" Niall asked, seemingly shocked by their presence. 

"We wanted to say welcome home and we wanted to know about the honeymoon. How'd you like the house Destiny?" Liam asked and I was once again reminded of how I'd promised to murder them for buying us a vacation house for our wedding. 

"What the hell were you guys thinking? Buying us a house?" I questioned, obviously annoyed. 

"You didn't like it?" I heard Lou mutter, sounding awfully sad. 

"I loved it. Of course I loved it. It just seemed like a little too much. You guys didn't have to do something like that. A card would have sufficed," I explained, not wanting to hurt their feelings anymore. Harry rolled his eyes and gave me a hug and I heard Zayn mutter something about how ridiculous I am sometimes. Harry then turned to Niall, hugging him.

"So the bed, eh? How was it? Did you break it in?" he asked, laughing as I blushed 50 shades of red. Niall patted him on the back, also laughing and gave a quick 'absolutely' in response. I rolled my eyes, heading past everyone into the kitchen, knowing that if they'd been here waiting, that also meant they hadn't eaten and would soon be starving. I busied myself in the kitchen as I heard everyone in the other room laughing and talking, sounding more carefree than ever. I smiled, humming as I prepared food. Maybe we could all be happy now. Maybe.


That night as Niall and I got ready for bed, I prepared myself to break the news to him. I was worried about his reaction but mostly I was worried about being away from him. I was able to finish this term at uni early but I still wouldn't be able to join the band on tour until 2 weeks after they leave. 

"Destiny, where are you in your head right now?" he asked gently and I realized that I hadn't heard anything he'd just been saying. I spun the ring on my finger, looking for some way of distracting myself. 

"Niall, we need to talk," I said slowly. I noticed the panic spread in his eyes. "I know we just got married and I know we did it so soon because you wanted me with you but --"

"No," he muttered, sounding shocked and heartbroken, "You want to leave already. You don't want this anymore." Tears spread in his eyes before falling down his cheeks.

"It's nothing like that Niall! Of course I want you. I will always want you. I just...I can't go with you on tour for another two weeks. My uni professors were willing to work with me but I've already missed so much that I need to try and catch up before I take my finals in a week and a half. I tried everything I could but it just...there wasn't any other way. I'm actually freaking out because I don't want to be away from you at all but I don't know what else to do. I'm so sorry," I rambled. 

"Dammit Destiny, you had me so freaked out. We can make that work. It'll be okay." He wrapped me in his arms, sighing as we both thought about the next two weeks. Niall would leave tomorrow and I'd be here alone for the first time since I'd met Niall. Everything will be fine. It's only two weeks, I told myself repeatedly but I still felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. I didn't know why but I felt like this was going to be the worst two weeks of my life. "We'll Facetime every night. Don't worry love. It's only two weeks."

Yeah, I reminded myself, it's only two weeks. We crawled into bed and I found myself still wide awake long after Niall's breathing had slowed. I tossed and turned for three hours before I slowly untangled myself from Niall's embrace, wandering downstairs. The moonlight gleamed off of the pool as I started to wander outside, not sure where I was going but knowing that I needed fresh air. I sat down, dipping my feet in the pool. It was surprisingly warm for being this time of year and I found it relaxing. I tried clearing my mind but I found it nearly impossible. 

What was it going to be like without him? Would he miss me as much as I will miss him? With the paparazzi think we are having marital problems? Will we have problems? The distance might make everything more difficult. Niall is super protective of me as it is and with my recent brushes with death, will he be panicked about leaving me alone? Will I be alone? 

A million thoughts rushed through my head. I needed a distraction. I stood quickly, pulling my shirt off and sliding my shorts down my legs. I slowly slipped into the pool and began swimming. Lap after lap, I found myself calming down. I was in a straightforward mindset for the first time all night. Just swim Destiny, I thought, stop overthinking everything.

I stopped and stood up, brushing my soaking hair back out of my face as arms wrapped around me. But I didn't panic because I knew this embrace. I knew those arms and I knew the scent that lingered in the air. 

"What's on your mind, love?" his thick accent whispered in my ear. He spun me around and I found myself unable to look him in the eyes, knowing he'd read my emotions. I didn't want him to worry about me anymore. I couldn't take the pain it would put him through. 

"I didn't realize you were awake. I hope it wasn't me who woke you," I muttered, knowing all too well that he woke to find me gone, a fear of his that he has yet to conquer. 

"Even in my sleep, I can sense your absence. Mind telling me what you're doing out here swimming at 3 a.m.?"

"I couldn't sleep. I have a lot on my mind and laying in bed worrying about it was only making it worse, ya know?" I tried to explain casually but my voice cracked near the end of my sentence and I wasn't the only one who noticed. My eyes burned as I pursed my lips, furiously willing myself to not cry now, not in front of him. 

"Nothing is going to change baby girl. It will still be you and me against the world, just apart for a few weeks," he reassured me. A single tear slipped from my eye and he grabbed both sides of my face and looked me in the eyes as he wiped the tear away with his thumb.

He leaned in to kiss me and my body relaxed against him. The kiss was slow and passionate, yet full of urgency because we both knew we wouldn't have this for weeks after tonight. The water rippled slightly as he lifted my legs up and wrapped them around his naked waste. The only thing seperating us was my panties as he removed my bra. 

"I need you Destiny," he whispered.

"I'm yours Niall," I replied and then we made love..

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2016 ⏰

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