Chapter Eighteen

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*Destiny's POV*

The doctor came out and he smiled at us. How could he be smiling at such a horrible time? One of my best friends had just died. "Mr and Mrs. Horan?" he asked. Niall nodded, not correcting him about our relationship status. "I'm happy to tell you we have resuscitated Mr. Malik," he said. Every emotion passed through my body just then: Anger, Happiness, Relief. 

"How is he?" I heard myself asking before I could even think about it.

"He's recovering quite well. His surgery went smoothly and we have given him blood transfusions. He should be okay," the doctor explained. 

"Can we see him?" Niall asked. The doctor nodded and gestured towards Zayn's room. I was standing so soon I felt dizzy but I just kept walking. When I entered the room, I could see Zayn's eyes were open and when he saw me his whole face lit up. I ran to him and enveloped him in a hug.

"Zayn!" I said.

"Hey," he whispered and I noticed he had nearly lost his voice. I was feeling so overwhelmingly stressed and vulnerable that I began to laugh. I heard Niall approaching us from behind. I turned and looked at him. His eyes were shiny with tears that were waiting to fall. 

"I was real worried, mate," Niall whispered and I heard the catch in his voice. "Your heart stopped and I wasn't around when they brought you back. I thought you were dead. I thought I lost you," he finished up as the tears flowed over the brim of his eyes.

Zayn tried to keep a straight face but failed miserably. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to," he whispered. 

"It's not your fault, love," I whispered.

I saw something flash in his eyes. "How are the others?" he asked, his voice tinted with worry.

I turned away, not wanting to tell him. I wasn't sure what I would say. Thankfully Niall was there.

"Well, Liam and Harry both had a few minor surgeries. You also had a big surgery on your leg. A pole went right through it," Niall said and Zayn and I both winced.

"What about Louis?" he asked. My heart stopped and I looked away. I hoped he wouldn't ask. I didn't even want to know. 

"He, uh, he's lost plenty of blood. They've put him through two surgeries. He still hasn't woken up," Niall answered. The expression that then crossed Zayn's face was one of pure guilt.

"I did this. It's all my fault," he whispered, more to himself than anyone. 

"Zayn, it could have happened to anyone. Don't blame yourself. He'll be okay," Niall tried to console him. I let out a sob and instantly regretted it. What if Louis wasn't okay? I would lose my best friend.

Two pairs of eyes turned to me. They burned into my back as I ran out of the room. I quickly reached an elevator. I pressed a button. I waited for only seconds before I got impatient. I found the stairs and ran down them, nearly tripping. Thirteen flights of stairs later, I reached the first floor. I ran outside into the dark.

I probably wasn't the prettiest sight but I didn't care. My hair was messy from the pool and then sleeping. I had put it in to a bun but it was ready to fall out. I'm sure the make-up was in streaks down my face and my eyes were surely red and puffy. I stumbled around for hours. 

It was nearly dawn when I finally sat down, leaning against an old building. I was nearly asleep when I heard a car pull over near me. I didn't look up but my body tensed. I felt arms wrapping around me but I was already too far gone to fight back. I didn't even look up to see who had grabbed me. It would be okay if I died now. Maybe if I did, Lou would get his life. An eye for an eye, say. "Lou," I kept crying out, keeping my eyes shut. "Lou," I mumbled out one last time before I drifted into a dreamless sleep. 

*Zayn's POV*

I watched as she ran out the door. I exchanged glances with Niall. I saw the indecision in his face. He wasn't sure whether he should go after her or stay with me. "Go," I said simply. Relief flooded his face and he turned, jogging out the door behind Des.

So now I was here by myself. I thought back to the accident. I remember most of it. I remember glancing at the phone and smiling at the text. Then I heard Liam shouting my name. The only thing I remember after that is the shower of glass from the windshield. It was like a waterfall or ice breaking. Beautiful but in a deadly sort of way. I kept seeing it over and over again, like a song on replay in my head. What had I been thinking? 

Doctors came in and out all night. I kept asking about Lou's progress. They didn't care to elaborate much and I could see that they were going to keep saying all of the same things. I saw Niall's phone sitting on a little table next to my bed. I reached for it and my fingertips almost reached it. I stretched a little further and grasped the phone in my hand.

I dialed Liam's number. He actually answered, to my surprise. "Hullo," I heard his voice say. I was shocked to hear it, so shocked, in fact, I forgot to say anything. At least he was alright. "Niall, you there?" he asked. 

I cleared my throat. "Uh, actually it's Zayn," I said. I heard him suck in a shocked breath. 

"You're awake? Thank god," he said. I chuckled lightly into the phone. We talked for a few minutes but Liam had to go because a doctor had came into talk to him. 

I dialed Harry's number and pressed send. His phone was off. 

Next I tried Perrie. She answered on the first ring. "Hey, Niall. Did something happen?" she asked immediately.

"This is Zayn," I said, laughing at it again. 

"Oh my gosh. I can't even believe it. Is everything alright?" she said and I smiled. 

"I needed someone to talk to," I admitted.

"Oh, actually I'm a little busy at the moment," she said.

"Oh, that's okay," I whispered as disappointment filled me. "I'll talk to you later," I said and hung up.

I don't know why I was so upset by this. She was to busy to talk to me and I was in the freaking hospital. What was so bloody important that she couldn't talk for a few minutes?

I heard the door click as it opened. I looked up and there was Perrie standing in the doorway. I smiled at her after I overcame my shock. 

"What? Did you honestly think I was too busy for you? Of course I took the first plane out here when I  heard what happened!" she said. 

Of course, I thought. I was stupid to be upset earlier. She sat next to me and we talked until I saw the sun begin to rise through the window. "You need some sleep," she said to me. 

"You'll be here when I wake up?" I asked. She nodded. 

"Perrie, I still love you," I said. 

"I love you too. Always have," she said. I thought about this as I drifted into a deep sleep.


Authour's Note: 

Hey guys! It's been a while! Sorry! Hope you like it though. 

Please take some time to go and read my new Zayn FanFic, Back For You!

Thanks for reading! Please vote, add, fan, etc. And as always...

Stay Beautiful xoxo

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