Chapter Thirty Three

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*Niall's POV*

"Niall, it was insane for you to expect nothing to change between us. We got married. We can't keep acting like young people. We have responsibilities. Married couples don't do any of this. Married couples don't even love each other. Of course I've changed. I had to," Destiny shouts at me, trembling with anger. All I had wanted to do was have fun. But she has changed and it hasn't been for the better. She is no longer the carefree, fun-loving girl that I fell in love with, the one I wanted to marry. 

"Destiny, I-,"  I sputter, but I stop realizing I don't know what to say. 

"Niall, I am done. I'll have my lawyer drop off the divorce papers within the next week," she yells and I fall to my knees. All of my worst fears have materialized in front of me. I sob, for the loss of my wife, for the loss of love. What has happened? 

My eyes fly open and my breathing is ragged. I'm covered in a sleek coat of sweat. It was just a nightmare, I tell myself and slowly my harsh breathing subsides into normal, even breathing. I roll over, my arm searching for her but she isn't in bed. Her spot is cold and I immediately find myself sitting up and running through the house, searching for a wife that has left me. "Destiny!" I call and am only greeted by silence. I open the door and step outside into the cool night. The only light is given off by the moon and it is just enough to see my beautiful bride standing at the shoreline, staring off into the vast waters. 

"Destiny," I barely choke out, stumbling towards her. She turns in an instant and upon seeing me, worry etches itself into her face. 

"What's wrong?" she questions me and all I can do is wrap my arms around her. "Niall," she urges. 

"I thought you had left," I mutter. 

"Left for where? Where would I possibly go in the middle of the night? I don't believe any of the stores are open at this hour," she says and laughs, a care free sort of laugh that Nightmare Destiny couldn't have managed. 

"I thought you had left me," I whisper. "I had this awful nightmare and you were leaving me. Then I woke up and you weren't even there. I couldn't find you anywhere."

"Oh Niall, it's okay. I'm here and I am not going anywhere," she assures me and presses her lips lightly to mine. I hold her in my arms for what seems like hours before my heart rate begins to return to normal. 

I finally release her from my embrace but I keep her hand held tightly in my own. "Would you like some tea?" she asks me and I nod silently following her into the kitchen, never letting her out of my sight. She prepares two cups of tea quietly and quickly, humming as she does. I recognize the tune to be Midnight Memories and I immediately smile, the irony not lost on me. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" she asks me, handing me my tea and she sits across from me. She pulls her legs up and sits criss-cross on the chair. She leans over the table, staring at me and I feel utterly speechless as I stare at the slight pout in her lips. 

"You were angry with me because I still wanted us to be, well, us. I wanted to still act care free and young. You talked about how marriage was supposed to change that. And then you said you would have your lawyer send me divorce papers. It was everything I'm scared of," I explain. I don't know how I expected her to react but this most definitely wasn't it. Destiny leans across the table and kisses me harshly. Her fingers tangle in my hair and I am left breathless. I maneuver around the table and I lift Destiny, wrapping her legs around me. We stay in our embrace as I press her back against the wall. My fingers snake in her barely-existing shorts and I somehow manage to slide them down and off of her legs, flinging them onto the kitchen floor. She tugs on my hair, pulling my lips to her neck. I nip and suck at her neck, knowing I will leave marks to adorn it.

We manage our way into the living area and fall onto the couch. From then on, I am in heaven, all thoughts of my nightmare hell left in the dark. She is mine, all mine. And all she wants is me. 


*Destiny's POV*

I wake after what seems like hours of deep sleep to the sun in the far west of the sky. It's brilliant light shines upon Niall's face and I smile at him. My smile is erased when I remember his nightmare. It was everything I'm scared of, his words come back to me and I shudder. But I won't leave him. 

I climb the stairs to our room and grab fresh clothes. I change quickly, deciding I will shower in a few hours since the day is almost over. I brush my hair and pull it back, then proceed to brushing my teeth. Once I am finished I walk quietly down the stairs, trying not to wake Niall. I enter the kitchen and begin preparing dinner. I am absolutely famished and I know Niall will feel the same when he wakes. 

I sing quietly as I move through the kitchen, gathering the ingredients from the pantry and refrigerator. I gasp as Niall's arms wrap around me from me behind. He presses his warm lips to my neck and then whispers in my ear, "You have this awful habit of sneaking away while I'm sleeping."

I turn to him and laugh. "I woke before you and decided to start dinner. I figured you would be starving."

He nods enthusiastically and retreats to a chair. I can feel his eyes on me as I plate our meal. We sit and eat in silence. I feel his on me the entire time and I cannot help but feel awkward. "Is something wrong?" I finally ask, breaking the silence. 

"I just can't decide if I like those or not," he answers simply. 

I'm utterly confused. "What are you referring to?"

"You didn't notice them?" he asks me and he laughs. 

"What the hell are you talking about?" I say, my voice escalating. He is making fun of me! 

"The love bites, they are all over your neck. I guess I didn't think they would be that evident. I can't believe you didn't even notice," he explains and I instinctively touch my fingers to my neck. I feel him staring so I use my hand to cover my neck and I flush. 

"Baby, you don't have to be like that. I gave you them. It doesn't bother me to see it. You don't have to hide from me."

I hoped for that one thing to stay true forever. I never wanted to have to hide from him...ever. 

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