Untitled Part 22

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hey y'all...... fuckin been a while, hasn't it? I just remembered this story existed when I logged onto my old gmail account and found someone had left a comment about a week ago. Crazy to think people still read this.

By the way, I identify as nonbinary now, and my pronouns are they/them. My name is Shane, so, disregard the username and deadname on my profile. Thanks y'all :)

Sorry for typos in advance, it's midnight and I'm writing from my phone.

I re-read all of the parts, and, as one does, cringed at how shitty my writing, plot, and especially pacing was. I started this story in 2018, when I was 14/15 years old. I'm turning 20 this year. I don't know if I'll ever pick this story back up, the inspiration just... isn't there anymore. And as I've stopped writing over the years, my slill level has decreased.

Figured I might as well lay down the plot points I remember, so at least the readers who've started recently won't be left hanging. 

- Ares' abuse continues, and as it does, Persephone becomes more reserved, drawing more into herself. Her mother becomes concerned. 

- She meets up with Hades less frequently, as Ares is keeping constant tabs. Hades is discouraged, and also, concerned.

- TW for rape, but that's what happens. Ares takes things dramatically further.

- Persephone, in a last ditch effort to save herself from the marriage her mother is blindly supporting, and the abuse suffered through Ares' hands, she writes a letter to Hades, detailing a. bit of the feelings she has, not feelings towards him, but feelings of hopelessness, of how she believes no one could love her anymore. She asks him to meet her at their log. She secretly plans to go with Hades and escape to the underworld, as she remembers the fact that no one can enter without Hades' permission.

- Hades receives the letter, overjoyed to even hear from her, agrees to meet.

- In my original plans, which I've mostly entirely forgotten, there was some bit about Hypnos and Hermes, Hypnos working with Ares, and manipulating Hermes into intercepting the letters between Persephone and Hades. It was a weak attempt to bring relevency to a first-draft plot point, which was Hypnos' involvement and tbh, his character in the book in thw first place.

- Hades and Persephone leave to meet up with each other, but here comes Hypnos, putting her to sleep and delivering her to Ares' domain. Persephone wakes up and more abuse ensures before she decides to fight back, escaping the bedroom and leading to a chase throughout Ares' palace.

- Enough time has passed that both Demeter and Persephone are worried sick about her. Hermes admits to Hades his involvement in Persephone's kidnapping, and eventually, the truth comes out to Demeter, as well. Not sure who tells her, though. Maybe Aphrodite. Girls support girls, y'know? 

- Demeter and Hades set out, separately, mind you, for Ares' domain, and meet up with each other, fighting at first, but eventually forming a begrudging alliance to take down Ares and rescue Persephone.

- In my first draft, I wanted Persephone to be rescued by both of them, but choose Hades to go with, to rest and recover in the Underworld. This would lead to Demeter's grieving, and thus the age old myth we all know and love. However, now that I've grown up, I've recognized all tje flaws in this story, and believe me, there are fucking many. Should I ever return to this story, I would rewrite it almost completely differently, more reallistically, and overall, just better. Anyway, continuing on:

- Eventually, Zeus would come to the Underworld, letting Persephone know of the destruction Demeter has caused due ti hed absence, and beg her to come back. Persephone wpuld refuse at first, but Hades would make her see reason. At this point,  they'vr fallen in love, and Persephone wants to stay, as his Queen. She only returns under the condition that a.trial be held for Ares.

- I can't really remember the specifics of the trial, but I remember Athena, Artemis, and Aphrodite all vote in support of Ares getting punished, while some of the men vote against the idea. Girls supporting girls, am I right?

- I'm pretty sure it might've ended with Ares being cast down as a mortal, and having Persephone offer herself up as becoming a goddess of war, but again, if I had to do it mow, K'd change that. Maybe to Aphrodite or something, I don't know. The story ends with Persephone and Hades living harmoniously in the Underworld as king and queen, with Demeter ecentually supporting her daughter's decision. Persephone still comes to visit.

Anyway. It's late, and I have to be in to work tomorrow at 9. I love this story, immature as the writing may be, and I genuinely hops to come back to it one day. But until then, sorry for never finishing it,  and I hope the rest of the plotpoints are at least somewhat satisfactory. Maybe I'll add another chapter detailing everything I would change should I do a rewrite.

Hope y'all have been well. Hope life.has been good. Hope you're all surviving the pandemic. Mask up, be safe, fight terfs, and good night.

- Shane

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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