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Sorry it took so long for me to update! I'll try to update regularly. My laptop the school provides me blocks Wattpad, so to update I have to do it at the library, through my phone, or using my parent's computer. Here's the second part of Seeds. Enjoy!

In case you've forgotten:

(She was cut off by a savage scream of fury. She turned, startled, and saw someone barreling towards them over a hill. It was Ares. )

Fear coursed through her; she could tell he was completely mad with fury. Her vision was cut off suddenly by Hades stepping in front of her, forming a protective stance, cutting off Ares from her. Ares drew himself up to his full godly height, yet Hades still towered over him.

"Can I help you?" Hades asked dryly.

"Step aside, Hades." Ares growled.

Hades raised a bushy eyebrow. "Why? So you can take all of your anger out on this poor woman for rejecting your marriage proposal? Any sensible woman would." Hades commented. Ares turned redder.

"How dare you insult me in my own realm?!" Ares spit on Hades' feet and Persephone jumped back with a small squeak. "Step aside." He snarled. But Hades remained where he was, defensive and ready.

"I'm not going to move, Ares." Hades said smoothly. "I hope you're content with staying here for another decade or so, because as long as you're here, you're not even thinking about putting your hands on her."

Persephone's chest bubbled up with something she did not recognize. She felt... giddy?

But that feeling quickly dissipated into horror as Ares bellowed yet another war cry and launched himself at Hades, knocking him backwards, off his feet and onto the cracked ground. Persephone jumped backwards, her heart racing out of her chest.

"S-Stop!" She gasped out. But they paid no heed, throwing each other around like dogs fighting over a scrap of meat. She extended her hands to bring forth the power of nature, to try to stop them, but felt nothing.

Everything is dead... She realized. I have no power here... The realization crashed down on her. As did a tree. Fortunately, Hades sprinted over and tackled her, throwing her violently to the ground. The tree groaned and broke off its stump, falling right where she had previously stood. He rolled off of her and continued fighting.

Persephone felt like her heart was going to fly out of her chest. She got that fluttery sensation again and her cheeks reddened. Both men went down, swearing so violently that Persephone winced. She scrambled over to a tree as Ares rose above Hades. As much as she wanted to fight, she knew Ares could easily overpower her. And without powers, she was practically useless. Demeter had always sheltered her as a child, never making her do manual labor and forcing her into weekly manicures to give her "perfect wife hands".

A triumphant laugh drew her out of her thoughts and she shrunk back into the dead foliage as she saw Ares towering over Hades. The elder god was sprawled out, golden ichor pooling in the dry earth. Ares glared down at him and kicked him viciously in the ribs. He turned towards Persephone and grinned wolfishly, ichor dripping down his chin. The sight sent a stab of icy terror into her veins, the sight of Hades lying motionless on the ground doing nothing but amplifying her fear. She took a shaky step backwards, turning to see where she could run, but saw nothing.

"Hello, my sweet wife." Ares crooned, taking another step towards her. His image seemed to flicker for a moment, and then he was right next to her. He grabbed her wrist roughly and began dragging away from her hiding spot. She narrowed her eyes, dug her heels into the dirt and took a firm hold upon a branch from the tree. Ares' eyes shifted from black a menacing red.

"Let go of the branch, my sweet." He said, grinding out the last two words.

She looked back at Hades' form and rage replaced fear. She took one look at Ares' disgusting scarred face and spat in it. Ares was stunned momentarily. No one had ever dared to disrespect him in such a way. His grip went slack and she took her chance, wrenching herself away from him and running over to Hades. She shook him violently as the fear overcame her again.

"Hades, wake up!" She ordered. He was unresponsive at first, and then he groaned, his eyes opening ever so slightly. Ares turned to her, rage and madness in his eyes as he began slowly stalking towards her.

"He's not going to help you." He said, his grin growing wider with every step.

"Go to Hell!" Persephone yelled, trembling.

Hades' eyes opened wide suddenly, and he took hold of Persephone's arm.

"Good idea!" He said weakly.

She flinched and screamed as she felt Ares' hand wrenching around her hair.

And then it was gone.

A hot, dry wind blew in her face. She tried to open her eyes but it seemed they were glued shut. It seemed like all the air was being forcibly siphoned from her lungs and her ears popped several times. Her fingers and toes went numb.


Suddenly the air flowed back into her lungs. She gasped out deeply and opened her eyes. What she saw made her gasp even more. Rows upon rows of skulls lined the walls of the cavern they were now in. She looked at the grim sight and a wave of dread washed over her. She looked downwards and saw her rescuer in the exact position he had been when they had been transported. Eyes closed, bloody and bruised.

I have to find help... She thought. But I don't want to leave Hades here by himself... and I don't want to go any further into this Hell-hole either...

She tried to reach out to any plants, but felt nothing. Wherever we are is completely and utterly desolate. Persephone thought miserably.

A sudden flap of wings brought a shudder and a prayer to Persephone's lips. She whipped her head from side to side, scanning for signs of an animal. An exotic scent permeated the air, making Persephone's head spin and her eyes water.

"Who's there?" She demanded, an edge of fear creeping into her voice.

Why are you here, young one? A smooth velvety voice washed over Persephone. Her shoulders relaxed and all fear instantly dissipated. The voice did not belong to a voice, but somehow reverberated around the room. It was clearly male. When she heard it, she couldn't help but feel relaxed.

Everything is going to be alright... A little voice in her head told her. As long as you can hear his voice... you'll be okay...

"I don't know why I'm here..." Persephone called. Her own voice sounded gritty and disgusting compared to this mysterious stranger's voice.

The voice chuckled. Persephone decided she liked it when he chuckled. Persephone suddenly found herself looking into a bright light. She winced and her eyes watered. She shut them, raising her hands upwards as a shield from the brilliant light.

"Where... who are you?" She called, stuttering a bit. The light faded until it was at a comfortable level. In the far corner of a room, a man stood, with his back to the wall, watching her with curious, sheltered eyes. Persephone's eyes widened as she noticed a pair of brilliant black wings attached to the side of his back. The feathers looked sleek and shiny, and reached down to the floor. His alabaster skin looked skeletal in the light. She looked up at his eyes but instead of irises, she was greeted with inky blackness. The darkness in his eyes swirled around, almost hypnotically as he watched her. "My sweet child." He cooed. "I am Death."


That's the second chapter for you! Please leave feedback, constructive criticism, or compliments, it really brightens my day. Was this chapter too short? I felt like it was too short, but if I hadn't cut it off here, it would have gone to like 5,000 words and that, at least to me, seems a little too long. If you enjoyed it, don't hesitate to vote/star it. I'll update as often as I can. Thanks for taking the time to read my story!

Seeds: Hades and PersephoneWhere stories live. Discover now