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She looked around in wonder. There was a huge dining table in the middle of the room, with a grand piano right next to it. There was a kitchen bustling with servants to the left of where they stood. She felt a presence behind her a spun around, ready to defend herself, but it was only Hades.

He stepped back, alarmed at her show of defensiveness.
"Sorry." She bit her lip. "It's just... paranoia, I guess." She clasped her hands behind her back and stood there awkwardly.

"It's okay." Hades said stiffly. He guided her to a seat and pulled it out for her.
She smiled graciously and sat down. He sat down across from her and immediately servants came forth, placing plates and plates of food on the table.

"Woah." Persephone said. "There's so much food! Where does it all go?"

"What we don't eat always goes to the servants. Any fruits that's aren't eaten get used up for compost or to feed the horses."

Persephone nodded. That was a stupid question. Her brain told her.
"I have another question." Persephone admitted as she filled her plate with fruits and vegetables.
Hades cracked a smile.

"As I expected."

Her face flushed with heat. "I'm sorry I ask so many questions."

"No! Don't apologize! I- I love you-r questions." He stumbled over his words.

She let a small smile loose. "Will you tell me more about the rivers? I believe I know about the white one, but, there are others, right?"

Hades leaned forward in his seat, obviously pleased to talk about something he knew about. "Yes, there are five. You've encountered one already. Technically you've encountered two, but you were unconscious when I brought you over the Styx. The most known river is the Styx, which represents hate. It's also the river of unbreakable oaths. If someone swears on the River Styx, they must fulfill their promise, lest they face certain destruction."
Persephone nodded, making an occasional remark.

"The other rivers are the Acheron, the river of lamentation." He interrupted himself to say, "If you'd like to visit them, just ask. Anyway," He continued, "the Cocytus is the river of woe, the Lethe- which is the one you pushed Hypnos into - is the river of forgetfulness. If the water touches you, your memories are wiped completely clean. We use that river for souls that have earned a second life. We wipe their memories and send them off into their next life. The final river is the hardest to pronounce." Joked Hades. "The Phlegethon."

Persephone did a double take. "I'm sorry." She said. "The- the Phlegethon?"

Hades laughed.
"Yes, the Phlegethon. It's the river of fire. It runs through Tartarus, one of the realms under my domain."

When Hades said the word Tartarus, a wave of heat passed through the room, clouding Persephone's mind for a moment. Undeniable rage flashed across her mind and her cheeks flushed in anger. Then the moment passed, and she was left weak.

"Wait." She put her hand up. "What was that?" She asked, panting a bit.
Hades looked up from his food in confusion.

"What was what?" He questioned, lifting his fork to him mouth.
"That... wave..." She said, straightening. "It was so... hot." She said.

His fork froze midair, halfway toward him open mouth. His eyes went wide and his face went pale. He slowly let his fork down to his plate.

He was interrupted as a flying figure came barreling into the room through the two giant doors. Hades jumped up and leaped over the table, shielding Persephone from whatever monster had invaded.

The figure landed and came out of the shadows. Persephone broke into a smile as she saw who it was.
"Hermes!" She cried, standing up and running over to him. He saw her a smiled nervously, accepting her embrace but not returning it.
"Why are you here?" Asked Hades, raising an eyebrow.

Seeds: Hades and PersephoneWhere stories live. Discover now