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It's snowing outside right now ☺The next three chapters might have a few grammatical/spelling errors, I'm updating from my phone.

Now, without further ado:

Her eyes were closed.

She couldn't seem to open them.

It was like they were glued shut; no matter how hard she tried, they refused to be compliant with her requests.

She heard voices.

They were familiar, but she couldn't quite place who they belonged to. One was deep and gravelly, and the other was smooth. They were both male. The second voice sounded like he was silently laughing at a joke that only he understood. The first voice sounded tense and afraid. She tried to focus in on what they were saying.

"She's been like this for three days. What did he do to her? Is she even alive anymore?!" The gravelly voice asked, a hint of desperation echoing in the last word.

"She is alive. I would know if her soul crossed from life to death. And she is, you forget, a goddess. Even the weakest goddess cannot be killed from something like this. I don't understand exactly what my brother did to her, but she seems to be in some type of coma. What level, I do not know. Only my brother can tell." Said the velvet voice. Persephone liked his voice.

"Then find him, Thanatos!" The first voice barked.

Thanatos... Where have I heard that before? Persephone wondered. She remembered his name, though she couldn't quite remember where.

"Believe me, my Lord, I have tried. It seems he has... left the Underworld. Only the Fates can tell where he is now. It will be almost impossible to find him now, unless I go Up. And that will not be happening." Said the second voice.

The Underworld! Persephone yelped. In her mind, of course. It seemed her mouth refused to work as well. It all came back in a rush. The marriage proposal, the Underworld, Hypnos and Thanatos, and Hades. She remembered everything.

"Hades." He said. "I'm sorry for my brother's actions. I do not quite understand what caused him to act out like this."

"I confused him for you." She managed weakly. Both men turned to her and Hades leapt up from the seat he was slouched on.

"You're awake!" He cried. Unable to restrain himself, he wrapped her in a bear hug. Persephone thought she heard a few bones crack.

He realized what he was doing and let go suddenly, sitting back with a slight tinge of red to his cheeks.

Thanatos just looked mildly amused. "He has always been sensitive to our uncanny resemblance. He should not have acted this rudely, though. What else happened?" He inquired.

"Well," Persephone thought back. "After you left with Hades, I decided to explore. I went inside what must have been his dwelling place, and fell asleep." Thanatos allowed himself a thin smile.

"He does have that effect on people."

Persephone continued. "I woke up in his bed, with him right next to me. I freaked out and tried to get away but the sheets were tangled and I fell. He woke up and thought I was you... we got into an argument and I asked who he was. He asked who I thought he was and I told him that he looked like you. He slapped me for that and I panicked. He started walking over to me so I used the poppy flowers and dragged him into the water..." She trailed off, a tear running down her cheek.

"H-he was terrifying..." She whispered, remembering how he'd promised to rip her heart out. She saw Hades looking at her concernedly and buried her face in her hands. She didn't want him to see her like this. He was so strong and she was so... weak...

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