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Dedicated to Makenna because I love you and I want you to read my story and love me pls


The boat jolted only one more, when they reached the opposite bank of the Styx. Hades stepped out first, and helped Persephone out of the boat.

"Thank you, Charon." Hades said kindly.

"Anything for you and your lady, my Lord." Charon said smoothly, and silently began ferrying back to collect more souls.

"That was exciting!" Persephone burst out. "Where to next?" She looked like a small child who had just been told she was going to the candy store.

"Well, we could explore the fields, go to the rivers, go to the Isle of the Blessed, or you could help me judge souls." Hades explained, stopping and standing in the dry dirt. Persephone thought about it.

"What do you mean judging souls?" Persephone asked, looking up at him.

"It's settled. We're judging souls." Hades grinned and took her hand, leading her towards his palace.

"What is it?" Persephone asked, curiosity getting the better of her.

"It's how we decide who goes to which field." Hades explained. "I draw the memories out of a soul, and look at everything they've done in their life. If they lived a bad life, they go to the fields of Punishment. If they've done an extraordinarily good thing, they go to Elysium. If it's an equal amount of both, they go to The Fields of Asphodel. If they are chosen for Elysium, they get a chance of getting reborn, and going back Up, where their memories are erased and they get to live a second life. If they do this three times, they automatically go to the Isle of the Blessed."

Persephone took a moment to process all of this information. "So," She said slowly. "You decide, based on their memories, if they go to Heaven or Hell..." She said, looking at the ground so she wouldn't trip.

"Not exactly." Hades said, looking over to her. "Technically, this is Hell. I just decide which part of Hell they go to."

Persephone nodded understandingly. "Sounds fun!" She said. "I'd love to try it!"

They continued on until they reached the huge double doors of Hades' obsidian palace. Persephone ran her hand over the shiny black stone. "Mother hates the color black." She admitted. Hades rolled his eyes.

"Just like your mother." He said, snickering contemptuously. They continued on in silence until they reached a set of doors. Hades opened the door held it open for her. She entered, looking around in wonder.

It was a large room, open to the air. It was open on one side, and four lines of people converged into one singular line. Hades made his way over to a single seat, facing the line of souls. He turned and looked at her apologetically.

"There's only one chair." He said.

"I can stand," She offered. "it's no problem!"

"No you can't." He said, looking at her. "I'll stand."

After a few moments of arguing, Persephone realized her attempts were futile. He was going to stand. Shooting his a fake annoyed look, she sat down in the stone chair with a huff.

A single soul approached her, a man in his 80s.

He bowed, and she flushed.

"What do I do? No one has ever bowed to me before." She asked, a little panicked. Hades took her hands in his and gently guided her hands. The light dimmed and a large blue ball exited the man, coming out of his mouth. Her heart rate quickened, but Hades' hands were steady. He guided her hands and and moved them to grasp the blue ball. As soon as she touched it, she was completely immersed in memories.

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