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I am providing absolutely no context for this very short chapter. Sorry it's so short. It's a cliffhanger. Enjoy.

She tried to take a breath but found no air was available. Panic seized her throat and the tears came once again, flowing down her cheeks. She tried to hold onto what little air she had left, but her throat constricted and she let out an involuntary wheeze. Spots danced in front of her eyes, swimming across her field of vision.

And then it was gone.

She took in a monumental gasp of air and immediately began coughing.

She looked up and saw Hades holding the man by the throat. Fear radiated through Persephone. Combined with the lack of oxygen, her vision swam. Hades' eyes burned with hatred and rage.

"Listen to me; as your King. I swear on the River Styx, if you touch her there will be no punishment in Tartarus that will match what I will do to you." He growled fiercely, lifting up the man, presumably Hypnos, off the ground and holding him by the throat.

Hypnos tried to say something, but was prevented by Hades' large hand covering his airway.

"Do you understand me?" Hades asked, his voice gravelly and deadly serious.

"...Yes..." Hypnos ground out, sounding faint.

Death rushed nimbly into the room. He looked at the sight around him: Persephone cowering in the corner, Hades holding Hypnos in a chokehold. If he was distressed, he showed no sign of it. He merely bowed to Hades and said in a cold voice,

"My King." Hades looked at Death and released Hypnos suddenly. He collapsed, his knees giving out, and sucked in a breath or air. He looked up and stared at Persephone in pure contempt. She let out a choked sob.

"What have you done now?" Death asked his brother coldy, completely ignoring the fact that he was gasping for air at Hades' feet.

He wheezed a few more times before slowly looking up. "Forgive me, my merciful King." He said, his voice reedy. "I did not know she was under your protection."

Hades' right eye twitched. "Forgiven." He ground out.

"Thanatos," Hypnos said, addressing Death. So that's what is real name is. Persephone thought to herself. She was still crouched between the bed she had woken up in and a nightstand.

"Help me up." Hypnos ordered, reaching for his brother's hand.

Thanatos only watch passively. "I believe an apology to the girl is in order as well." He said simply, offering no help to his brother. Hypnos' eyes bugged. He closed them for a moment, as if battling a headache.

"Very well." He ground out, his face twisting into a terrifying smirk. He rose, rubbing the bruises lining his neck. He stalked over to Persephone. She steeled her fear and stood up, bringing her up to her full height. Even then, he was still slightly taller. She looked up in his eyes, defiance and a hint of fear showing through them. He smiled at her.

"My apologies," He started, wrapping her in a stiff hug. "But you deserve this." He whispered into her ear. He grabbed her wrists and twisted his fingers over them. A heaviness settled over her eyelids. He let go of her just as her eyes rolled up into her head and she collapsed, her head hitting the titled marble flooring.

The last thing she heard was Hypnos' malicious laughter and Hades letting out a cry.

And then she was engulfed in darkness.


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