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So sorry for the long absence! I went through a HUGE dry spell and couldn't write anything. And then one day, (today) I sat down and began writing again, and this is what came out! You're not going to like it, unfortunately. I hated writing it, you'll hate reading it. Enjoy, and try not to be too upset <3

Persephone's eyes found the paper her mother had scrawled on and picked it up, eyes scanning over the short list. She knew where to get all these seeds, but the problem was creating an environment similar enough to The Underworld. The absence of natural sunlight was going to be a challenge, but if Persephone could hide a growing relationship with the god of the underworld from her mother's prying eyes, she could, and would, bring some life into the Underworld.

When Persephone woke up the next morning, her first thought was of the plants. She practically jumped out of bed, throwing on a robe over her underclothes and dashed downstairs, startling a yawning Demeter.

"Where are you off to?" The woman called after her.

"Garden!" Was the only reply, as she kept on towards the door. Demeter caught up to her, catching her by the shoulder before she could go outside.

"Don't you want breakfast first?"

Persephone rolled her eyes, anxious to check on her plants. "No, mother. And please, please, please don't disturb me while I'm doing my work in the greenhouse. It's very important."

Demeter pursed her lips in disapproval. "I suppose if it's that important, I won't bother you until you come back into the house. Do take a muffin before you go, though." Persephone sighed and backtracked to the kitchen, where she grabbed a muffin and ate it in three bites. Out the door she went, satisfied that nothing would ruin her work.

She got to the greenhouse and opened the door, stepping through it and into the heat of the greenhouse. Her excited smile died. Every single plant had wilted in the night. Even the ferns she had planted were drooping sadly. Crestfallen, she fished the plant list out of her pocket and crossed off the names of the dead plants. She wasn't going to be discouraged though; not yet. She uprooted the dead plants and placed them into a wheelbarrow outside of the sweltering greenhouse. Sweat beaded on her forehead, but she wiped it away and continued working, taking the seeds of a different plant that was on her list, making a small fist shaped indent into the dry dirt, and placed two small seeds in each. Taking a watering can from a hook on the wall, she exited the greenhouse and made her way to the burbling stream running next to the woods. Kneeling down, she dipped the metal can into the running water and let it fill with cold, clear water. Going back to the greenhouse, she hefted the heavy can onto her waist and opened the door, perspiring as the heavy air engulfed her. She looked up, suddenly, and jumped as a figure stood before her. Ares stood before her, tall and smirking.

"Hello, darling."

She looked at him, scowling. "I have nothing to say to you." She said frankly, and knelt down at the first row of plants, pouring a small amount of water over the seeds she had planted.

"But dear, I have something to say to you." He spoke warmly, but Persephone could tell it was only a cover for the barely contained harshness in his words. Persephone ignored him and continued watering her crops.

"Are you listening to me?" Ares demanded; his cool composure melted away, if only for a moment before his honeyed tone returned.

She looked up at him, finally. "What do you want?" She asked, letting a bit of anger into her voice.

"Simply to tell you that I highly enjoyed last night, and am waiting with baited breath for our next... encounter." His voice was silky, sending shivers down Persephone's spine.

Seeds: Hades and PersephoneWhere stories live. Discover now