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Okay, I've been super anxious lately because I have a project for school I haven't started yet, and I only have like a chapter and a half left before I have to start writing the chapers. (These chapters I just copy and pasted from my Google Docs) Anyway, I'll manage :)



Persephone walked along the path, relishing in the fact that she didn't have to run for her life this time. It was about 6 miles away from the meeting place.

She took her time, stopping occasionally to help a flower grow or pull a weed. The crisp morning air felt good on Persephone's face. She took a deep breath. It had been so long since she'd had fresh air. The air from her window had gotten stale. She was glad to have a break from it all.

She finally reached her destination, sighing happily. She looked around, but Hades was nowhere to be seen. She sat down on the log, content to wait. She couldn't wait to see him again. It had been too long.

The warm air was hot, like a sweltering blanket. She discarded the blanket wrapped around her neck. A lulled haze settled in the air. Her eyes drooped. As her eyes slowly closed, she snapped her eyes open again.

"I'm not going to fall asleep." She told herself firmly. "I'm going to wait for Hades."

"Well then," A familiar voice said behind her. "I'd better not keep you then." Persephone whipped around and a happy smile grew on her face.

"Hades!" She cried joyously. She threw herself off the log and wrapped her arms around them. She suddenly realized how awkward it was and disentangled herself.

"You have no idea how relieved I am to see a face that isn't Hermes' or my mother's." She said lamely. Hades smiled and looked at the ground.

"You have no idea how boring it is down in the Underworld." He said. He looked past her. "What's in the basket?"

Persephone looked down at her basket and smiled. "Lunch!"

She spread the blanket on the dry leaves and placed the basket on top, sitting down next to it and gesturing for Hades to sit as well. Rather ungracefully, he sat, crossing his legs.

"I've got," She said, reaching into her basket. "Two chicken breasts," She drew out the carefully wrapped meat and set them on the blanket in front of them both. "Various fruits and vegetables, and several cakes that I baked last night." She finished, bringing out everything from the wicker basket.

"You did all this just for our meeting today?" Hades asked, surprised.

She flushed. "Of course! I love to bake, so it was easy. I don't think the fact that I haven't exited my room in three weeks helped." She unwrapped a small muffin and began eating.

Likewise, Hades looked at the assortment of foods that lay on the blanket before him. He finally decided on a biscuit and grabbed it, unwrapping the foil surrounding it.

"Tell me," He said, in between bites. "What happened after you left? Hermes told me some of it, but I'd like to hear it from you."

Persephone swallowed the rest of her muffin and began. She told him everything. He just listened, taking a bite out of his food every so often.

"We weren't speaking to each other for a while, but that changed when she found Hermes and I in my room, which prompted another argument." Persephone stated.

Hades' eyes went wide. "Hermes was in your room? What the Hell was he doing?" He demanded.

"He knows how lonely I am, so sometimes he drops in and we talk about stuff." Persephone was taken aback at his sudden hostility.

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