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Demeter twisted out of Persephone's arms. "What do you mean, my darling?" She asked, hugging her again.

"What did you do to the flowers?" She asked, desperation lacing her words. "They're all dead!" She cried.

Demeter looked at her, confused. "The flowers don't matter! My daughter is home!" She cried, trying to throw her arms around Persephone once more. Persephone pushed her away, looking with sadness over to the garden. She was happy that she was back, but she was enraged that her mother had let her garden die.

"The flowers do matter! How could you do this? I spent so much time on this garden! Do you know how long it's going to take to revive these flowers?" Persephone cried, reaching down and picking up a limp tulip. Immediately the flower brightened.

Demeter looked at her daughter, a touch of anger lacing her words. "I don't care about these flowers. I care about my flower. Where were you?!" She said, stepping back, full mom-mode taking over.

"I went to Hermes' for a while." Persephone said dismissively.

Demeter's eyes practically popped out of her head. "You went to a boy's house?!" She practically screamed. A flock of birds appeared over the forest, disturbed by Demeter's yelling.

"Yes!" Persephone yelled back. "I did! I went to Hermes'! Because I couldn't stand being home, I still can't! I hate the fact that you're trying to set me up with someone! I hate it! Do you understand, mother? Do you want to know the real reason why I went to Ha-" Persephone stopped herself. "Why I went to Hermes'? Because I was afraid. I was afraid that Ares would try to hurt me!" Persephone couldn't stand it anymore. Tears brimmed at her eyes. She tried to force them back. Her voice quavered.

Demeter looked at her daughter. "I had no idea you felt like Ares would hurt you..." She spoke quietly, looking at the ground. "But," She said, looking down at her daughter. "That does not excuse the fact that you didn't come home. I'm severely disappointed in you. You- you- you're grounded!" Demeter said shrilly.

Persephone realized what she had done. She had yelled. At her mother. She took rapid deep breaths and looked at her mother straight in the eye.

She said nothing. She turned around, and stalked into the house.


Hades sat on this throne, judging souls with a bored expression. The soul that stood before him stole a car on the day he died. Drunk out of his mind, he had ran out of the bar, confessed that he didn't love his wife anymore, stolen a Mercedes, and crashed it into a semi-truck, killing him instantly.

Hades rolled his eyes.
"Asphodel." He said lazily, lifting his finger. The man's eyes glazed over and he disappeared.

Another soul took his place just as quickly as he disappeared. Hades looked straight into the dead woman's eyes and saw her life.

The woman had been married to an abusive man for the past twenty-two years. She had had two children with the man. One night, one of her children came up to their mother and asked if she could tend to a bruise on his neck. The woman had taken the child's scarf and stared in horror at the finger marks lining his neck. She had tended to her precious child and sent him and his little sister to bed before going into the room where her husband had been in and murdering him.

Hades smiled sadly. This woman had led an interesting life.

After her children had grown up, she had gone to Paris for nineteen years, marrying a wealthy French man. They had been happily in love until she fell ill with cancer and passed away.

Hades felt sympathy for the poor woman. Despite her grievous error in her past, she had sought forgiveness and righted her wrongs. Hades decided to take pity on her.

"My child," He spoke to her.

Yes, sire?" The woman spoke monotonously.

"Would you like a chance at rebirth?" He asked.

"Please sire. I would very much like to see my children again." She said wistfully. A sad smile graced Hades' lips. He knew she wouldn't be able to see them again - anyone being rebirthed had to have their minds wiped clean of all of their past life. It was simply the way his realm was run.

"Very well." He said, and shifted in his seat. Since Hypnos was missing in action, he would have to do it himself.

He took the woman's hand and teleported them to the River Lethe.

"All you have to do is enter the river." He said, and guided her towards the river.

She stumbled forward and landed on her knees in the white river. The water flowed over her hands and knees and a small, peaceful smile bubbled on her face and she stared at him happily. He smiled back and waved his hand over her.

She faded.

He stood there a moment. It was always amazing to see a soul released to get another chance at living. He stood there a moment before turning around and teleporting back.

Hades was tired. He was tired of sitting around. He wanted to do something. Judging souls was exhausting. He was so tired of being alone. He just wanted to talk to someone.

At that moment, Hermes came flying in.

"Greetings, my Lord." Hermes bowed low. Hades allowed himself a somber smile.

"Hello, Hermes. Have you news?" He asked, shifting slightly forward in his seat.

"I have." Hermes said, a grim smile on his face. "She's grounded her. For eternity." Hades looked at him, surprise and outrage clear on his face.

"She found out!?" He barked, standing up.

"No! No my lord, no." Hermes said quickly. "Persephone told her she went to me for comfort from Ares. She didn't take that too well, since Persephone had just yelled at her for ruining her flowers. It was actually quite concerning. Persephone lost it when she saw the state of her garden. Demeter completely ignored it while she was searching for her lost daughter. Persephone and her mother aren't speaking to each other. I mean, Demeter tries, but Persephone just walks right past her like she's a ghost. It's sad, actually." Hermes rambled.

Hades collapsed back into his seat, rubbing his face with his hands. At least Demeter didn't figure out she was here. He shook himself out of his thoughts. Why did he even care?

Hermes noticed Hades mentally chewing himself out and smiled.

"You care for her, do you not?" He casually inquired.

Hades looked up, a look of surprise on his face. Then it shifted to guilt, then to misery.

"I don't know what to do!" He cried. "I must have her... but Demeter... and what if Persephone doesn't return my affections?"

"She does." Hermes smoothly cut in. "It was obvious by the look on her face when I told her she had to leave. Trust me. She cares for you."

Hades looked up, a hopeful look on his face.

"She does?" He gasped, not knowing what to do with himself. "How can you be sure?"

Hermes rolled his eyes. "If you're really not going to believe me, I'll get Aphrodite's opinion on it."

"NO!" Hades cried, throwing himself towards Hermes as he turned to leave. "Don't talk to that witch! I'll have nothing to do with her! If she finds out about this..." He shuddered, imagining what Aphrodite would have to say about it.

Hermes shrugged. "Yeah, you're probably right. She's always fancied you. I can't imagine why, though. You're... somethin' else." He said jokingly. Hades glowered softly.

"I've got to go." Hermes said, turning around once more.

"Wait!" Hades cried. "How am I going to get her attention?" Hades asked desperately.

Hermes turned around, a devilish smile clear on his face. "What am I the god of, Hades?"


Here's the eight's chapter! I hope you enjoyed it, it was fun to write. I know it was shorter than a lot of my chapters, I'll try to make up for that in the next chapter. Comment what you thought! I really appreciate it. ❤

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