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Hey all! Happy winter break! (For me, anyway.) Here's the third chapter!

(In case you've forgotten:)


"My sweet child." He cooed. "I am Death."

He detached himself from the wall and walked over to her, kneeling down and looking at the unconscious man she was harboring in her lap.

"Is he going to be alright?" Persephone asked, all of her worries ebbing back into her mind.

He laughed quietly. "Oh, of course. His wounds have already begun healing. It was wise for him to come here. The Underworld is the source of his power, therefore coming here, to all places, strengthened him greatly." Explained Death. Persephone's heart wrenched in two different directions. "Wait... we're in the Underworld?" She asked. Fearful excitement ran though her.

"Of course. I would not be here otherwise. I am not allowed Above. But that is beside the point. He is weak, and needs rest. I shall take care of things now. You are no longer needed." Death said smoothly. He hoisted Hades up bridal style and stretched his wings, ready to fly, but Persephone grabbed his arm. Weakness ran through her and she almost fell back in a dead faint. She managed to prop herself upright.

"Do not touch me, please." Death requested.

Persephone ignored him, her brain fuzzy. "Wait... I don't know how to get back. Can you take me back... up?" She finished sheepishly.

"I cannot go Above unless it is a dire emergency. I am sorry." He said somberly.

"Wait!" Persephone cried, dismay filling her heart. "Am I just trapped down here? Forever?"

Death chuckled. Persephone got the feeling he was laughing at her naivety. "No. As soon as Hades is well he will send you back where you belong. Until he is well, I formally invite you to stay at his palace until he is well.

"How- how am I going to get there?" Persephone asked, desperately trying to quell her fear.

"I shall accompany you. I shall return momentarily." He said calmly, before unfurling his wings and shooting off into the air, leaving Persephone completely alone.

She looked around. The light was still at a comfortable level, though she didn't know how he did it without having any torches or lanterns. She saw two corridors leading off to the left. One of which was the one Death had appeared to her; it was decorated with various bones. The other however, seemed definitely more welcoming. The entrance was wreathed in flowering white poppies. Sleepy white butterflies flew lazily around, praying on the nectar of the small flowers.

She decided to explore. She cautiously entered the poppy covered cave. The enticing smell of the poppies lulled her brain and dulled her senses. She shook herself out of her tiredness and continued walking forwards. The light seemed to dim. Her eyes drooped and she found herself stumbling every few steps. She soon found herself in a room. Her mind was foggy and her eyes were tired. They seemed to weigh several hundred pounds. The scent was overpowering everything in a sleepy.

She cast a foggy look around the room and saw that the room only had three walls. The fourth wall was just a river. It wasn't a normal river though. She squeezed her eyes shut and opened the again, but the sight was still there. The water was a pale white, like milk. It burbled merrily.

She turned her eyes away from the strange river and saw there was a four-poster bed in the corner. It looked so soft and inviting...

She stumbled over to the bed and collapsed into it, eyes sliding shut.

Seeds: Hades and PersephoneWhere stories live. Discover now