Chapter 6

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Trying to make it work but man these times are hard. - For the first time by The Script

Why would she just leave like that? And what was she crying about? But most of all why was she saying it was "Too much".

All these questions whirled through my head with no answers. "Ethan, we're going home."

Andrew grabbed my arm and tugged me behind him. Finally everything clicked and I came out of my shock.

"No," I tugged out of his grip and ran after Isabella, she needed comfort and I needed answers.

"Isabella, wait!" I called out, she didn't slow down.

We wall, it takes a while to get through. I'll catch up with her there. I ran faster and just when she stopped to look for the switch I grabbed her.

"Isabella, what's wrong?" I asked soothingly noticing she was still crying.

She turned and looked at me. Her once golden eyes had lost their spark and we're now just a light brown, they held sadness in them. Her bottom lip quivered and her cheeks were stained with her tears.

"What happened Issy?" I asked again softly.

"I-I got home and the lights were off. There was a note. They took my mom Ethan, I have no family," her saying that brought on a new wave of tears.

"Want me to bring you to my house where we can talk about this?"

"S-sure," she stuttered.

I put my hand on the small of her back and led her to my house. This would be interesting.

"Hey Ethan!" Desiree greeted, then saw Isabella. "Hi you must be Isabella, good to meet you, I'm Desiree, Ethan's younger sister."

Desiree pulled Isabella into a hug. Desiree had a nature where you just could not be sad around her, no matter how hard you tired. I'm guessing Isabella found that nature because after a while she stopped crying.

"Nice to meet you too," she said hoarsely.

"Mind telling me what happened?" Desiree asked.

Isabella seemed to take this into consideration. "Only if Ethan can be around too."

"That's okay, what else would I have suggested, silly." Desiree joked.

We went up to my room, Isabella sat with her back against the pillows on my bed and I sat next to her, Desiree sat at the end of my bed.

"So, will you tell us now?"

"I guess," she started. "When I got home from seeing Ethan the lights were off, which is unusual because my moms usually always home. In our library there was a dim light and a note. The government took my mom, when I was younger they killed my dad, he did research about the wall and what was on the other side. They said that they'd let me and my mom go free, because apparently I've been doing illegal crimes by seeing Ethan and going to the wall, if I have them Ethan."

This struck me, "So, are you going to?"

"I-I don't know! It's just- I'm just so confused right now. I don't know what to do."

I thought for a moment. I was about to offer her to stay here for the night but Desiree beat me to it. "Would you like to stay here for tonight? You can stay in my room and borrow my clothes, I'll sleep on the couch."

"No, no that's fine, I'll go back home. That's too much to ask for-"

"Isabella, either say yes or I will lock you in this house for tonight." I said actually meaning it. There was no way I'd let her leave when she was like this.

"Fine," Desiree showed her out of my room and to hers.

That night even though she was in my own house, I still couldn't stop thinking about Isabella James.

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