Chapter 16

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People try to give be money but they don't understand I'm not broke I'm just a broken hearted man ~ The man who can't be moved by The Script

Today, a day before we attack the dome and two days until Isabella's birthday. We're hoping we make it past the battle not only because we'd rather not die but we also would like to celebrate Isabella's birthday.

When Andrew came back with the guns for practicing Isabella went ghostly pale. It was kind of adorable actually, she spent her whole life in the dome so it's made her a goody goody. I doubt she'd ever been around anything violent.

But surprisingly by the end of the day she'd at least grown comfortable with them and didn't look like she'd faint every time she got near a gun. She could shoot one fairly well so I wasn't really all that worried about her but I still insisted that she shouldn't be running off by herself went we invade the dome.

The invasion.

I wasn't so sure about the plan. One slip up and we'd all either be dead or in prison. Either way we'd never see the light of day again.

And yet if we succeeded there'd be no government, no stability, and absolute chaos within the dome. Someone would need to rise up and lead everyone but deciding who that person would be is difficult.

Earlier today I heard Riley and Isabella talking and laughing. For some reason Isabella was blushing, as if Riley was teasing her. When I went over there to see what was up I overheard the words Ethan, like and kiss. And yet when I asked them about it they didn't say anything but when I walked away I swear I heard Riley mutter something about boys being dense. I really do not understand girls, it'll always be a mystery to me.

Later on I was in my bedroom just relaxing when suddenly Isabella literally got pushed into my room and the door closed behind her. She seemed to say a string of curse words at the door before standing up.

I sat up on my bed, looking toward Isabella, "What was that about?" I asked her.

She jumped looking toward me she looked startled, like she got caught in the act of doing something bad, then she blushed and looked away. What was up with her? She never did this before.

I got off my bed and walked over to her, something was up. "What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Nothing," she said vaguely.

From behind the door someone let out and exasperated sigh. Riley barged into my room, she was obviously listening in on us.

"You guys are hopeless!" She threw her hands up in defeat, Isabella shot her a look and if looks could kill she'd be six feet under by now, although this look didn't phase Riley. "Ethan, Dense Idiot, whatever you would like to be called Isabella-"

She was cut off by none other than Isabella, "Say another word and I'll tell Andrew your little secret."

I had no clue what was going on but I decided to leave the matter alone for now. "Go for it," Riley shrugged. "Then she said so quickly I almost hadn't heard her, "Bella likes you!" Then bolted out of my room.

Isabella stood there with a murderous look on her face. "Hey, if you kill her now then that'll be one less birthday present, if you do it after your birthday then you still have the present." I advised jokingly.

She let out a laugh and she looked visually calmer. "Yeah."

It was silent for a bit when finally we couldn't ignore the elephant in the room any longer. "Do you really like me?" I asked at the same time she asked, "Do you like me?"

Then we both responded to the others question automatically, "Yes," as if rehearsed. Even if we didn't know the answers ourselves yet fate sure seemed to and she wasn't going to play any games.

Funny how fate decides to make this happen now. She decided she wanted a team in the game and she just may beat all of us.

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