Chapter 7

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Wait, all this time that I have spent away makes me think that I might be okay, the kiss of death will have to wait. ~ Lost cause by Imagine Dragons

I woke up before everyone else. That much was purposeful. I changed out of Desiree's pajamas and into my clothes I wore yesterday. I folded the pajamas and put them on her bed.

I left a note,

Thanks so much for your hospitality but like I said yesterday, I'm more trouble than I'm worth. By the time you read this I'm probably back at the dome. Bye guys and thanks again.

Then a separate one for Ethan,

So Outsider, meet at five?

I put the two notes by the pajamas and crept into the hall. Only to run into Ethan.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I was just leaving, sorry Ethan, I would've said bye but I didn't want to wake you up and I'm horrible at them. That's why I left a note."

"You think I'm Ethan?"

"Yeah... You aren't?"

"No, I'm his brother, Andrew."

I finally recognized the voice. "Oh you were the one telling Ethan to go home yesterday."

He nodded, "I have one thing to say, stay away form my brother."

With that Andrew left.

I went home and met with my friends. I told them what happened last night and I cried with Louis.

"So, you need to hand over lover boy now?" Riley confirmed, I glared at her, "Alright, Ethan."

"That's what the note said."

"Well then do it," Louis said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Riley and I glared at him, then said under our breath, "Boys."

I looked at my watch, "Since Ethan introduced me to his family I'm going to introduce him to you guys. Follow me, we're supposed to meet at five."

I got up and traveled through the woods to our regular meeting place.

"Please show up, please show up, please show up." I silently begged.

Finally Ethan appeared through the trees.

"Hey Outsider, what took you so long?" I asked.

"Oh, you know, over bearing brother and an an excited sister, who, by the way, is upset you left without saying goodbye."

"I left a note!"

Riley suddenly interrupted us, "Sorry to interrupt you two love birds but since Isabella doesn't think we're worthy enough for introductions I'll do it myself. Hi, I'm Riley and the blondie over there in Louis, we're Isabella's best friends."

"Has Isabella told you guys about everything?" Ethan asked Riley and Louis.

They nodded, "Why wouldn't she? We are her best friends." Louis said.

"Sorry, Louis has been... moody, lately. I don't know what's up with him." Louis and Ethan exchanged a look. They seemed to be having a conversation, no, an argument. This went on for a few seconds before what seemed like Ethan won.

"It's fine," Ethan said smoothly.

"I want to meet this little sister you talk so fondly of, she sounds cool," Riley said.

There the snap of a twig. We turned out heads in that direction. A girl fell out of the woods.

"Desiree? Did you follow Ethan?" I asked, helping her up.

"Yes, I was just curious." She started blushing. She and Louis made eye contact but she quickly looked away.

That night was so much fun, Desiree and Louis really hit it off, I wonder what that was about, and Ethan kept sending glares Louis' way. It was still fun to hang out with all of my friends though.

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