Chapter 2- Her Name

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Upon waking up, my mind replays the scene last night as the light from outside starts to spill through the gaps in the curtains.

Still wearing the dress from the previous night, I start to stand up before feeling the nausea rush to my head and stomach.

I walk out my bedroom to see all my friends splayed across various objects, all cramped together in the small space.

Safe to say we all drank a lot.

Heading back to my room, I grab a bunch of towels and bottles decide to shower before I have to take care of the hungover people sleeping in my home.

I turn the dial on the shower to the hottest and wait until the steam disperses and engulfs the room.

The shower droplets come as perfect to me as summer rain, hot and steady, awakening my skin in the best way as it cascades down my body.

In the small shower, I wish I could stay in its comforting heat, but I know the day hasn't even started yet.

After washing my hair and body, I carefully step out of the shower and I look up into the mirror above the sink.

I stare at the fragile girl looking back at me.

You're okay Alaina. 

Turning to look at the clock behind me, I see the time.



I sprint out the bathroom, trying hard not to slip. Grabbing a random set of clothes, I get changed and quickly put concealer and mascara on.

Hurriedly, I grab a pen and write a note for my friends.

Had to rush to work, come down when you wake up and I'll pay for your coffees :)

Can I afford that? Definitely not at our cafe with those unbelievable prices, but I can figure it out.

The handwriting is scruffy and almost illegible but I'm sure they can work together to decipher it.

I dash out the door, trying to remain quiet. Rapidly, I plug in some earphones, stuffing my hands in my jacket and begin the 30 minute walk to work.

Music. I lived for it. Its like medicine delivered to you in the most divine way as the rhythm swims through you.

And when you find your song, or your playlist, it can make your day that 1% better. 

It is so cold today. The icy air nips at my skin as I watch little clouds form out my mouth. Looking up, I realise it looks like it could start storming any second.

I've always loved storms and the grey clouds. Something about the way they crowd together to create one huge storm, the contrast between the tranquility of the streets because no one wants to be out, and the loud noises in the sky.

Being able to sit under your covers and listen to the rain and storm, without a worry in your mind.

How can such a scary thing be so calming?

The warm lights from the cafe emerge from the fog and I pull down my hood. 

Opening the door, the tiny bell above jingles and Mr Davis' head appears from behind the counter.

"Alaina! How are you dear? I'm so happy to see you." he calls, spreading his arms open to me.

A smile makes its way on my face as I walk over to the frail man.

"I'm amazing, Mr Davis, how are you? And the wife of course." I ask, pulling away from his embrace.

His grin falters slightly.

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