Chapter 21- One Day a Year

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After waking up hours before Dominic, I sit beside him, a book in one hand, the other gently running up and down his arm splayed over my stomach.

His body starts to stir slightly, pulling mine closer to him.

Warmth almost radiates off his skin the closer I get, his hand squeezing every so often.

Placing the book beside me, I turn to face him.

There's a soft, lazy smile on his face as his eyes remain closed.

I gently brush my fingers down his face, his body relaxing even more.

Lifting the covers, I look down to his stomach, where a small scar sits.

Fight gone wrong.

I shake my head, dismissing my curiosity, laying my body as close as possible to his.

His face remains still again as I continue caress his jaw, his cheeks.

"You watching me sleep, perv?" his raspy voice causes me to jump.

He chuckles, pulling me impossibly closer.

"Do you have to work today?" I ask him, his face barely visible through his messy hair.

He lets out a illegible mumble, pushing his head into the crook of my neck.

His hands snake up my waist.

We both let out a small sigh before his fingers dig into my waist, causing my body to squirm.

"God, you're annoying." I roll my eyes, laughing.

"But you love me for it." the smile instantly wipes off of both of our faces.

It remains silent for a few seconds, until he just entangles his hand in my hair, placing his lips on mine.

I feel his hand rummage around beside me before his lips slowly unlatch from my own.

Looking to see what he found, I see the camera I put in his nightstand.

My face instantly flushes as the corner of his lip rises.

"So, I looked through this old thing." 

"So you saw all the pictures of my friends?"

"Yes, and I noticed something."

Snatching the camera, I nod for him to continue.

"No pictures of me, or even you for that matter."

I give him a confused look.

"Why would I take pictures of my self?"

His hand reaches out for the camera.

Scoffing, he flips us around, firmly placing a knee on either side of me.

I squirm beneath him as he focuses the camera on my face.

Covering my face with the sheets, I hide from his gaze.

The cover is moved from in front of me.

He leans down, placing a soft trail of kisses from my jaw to my neck, down to my collarbone, his teeth grazing my skin.

My heads drops back on to the pillow, relaxing.

"Hold still, darling." he breathes on my skin, leaning back up.

I keep my eyes closed, a smile creeping on my face, until I hear the shutter noise.

"Bellissima." he mutters, discarding the camera.

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