Chapter 6- Quiet

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Golden threads of morning light glow through my window and I squint my eyes.

As I try to turn around to avoid the glare, I feel something.


She lays probably a few inches away from me, eyes closed in a peaceful sleep.

God, shes even angelic in her sleep.

Moving a few strands of hair from her face, her body stirs before relaxing completely.

Her arm reaches out to me and I start panicking.

It runs along my stomach and I tense.

What is she doing?

Looking at her again, she hasn't moved and she is 100% asleep.

Her arms tighten around me and I feel weirdly relaxed.

It just feels so safe.

I close my eyes, placing my arm over my face and ignore whats happening, trying to fall asleep before I hear a quiet mumble.

Removing my arm, I turn to look at her and shes still sleeping from what I can see, but she has the slightest smile on her face as her arms tighten that little bit more.

There's a sliver of light shining directly on her face and she is just beyond gorgeous.

She mumbles again but its completely muffled by the covers.

"Dom-" she whispers as her eyes shoot open.

"Good morning, beautiful." 

"Hey." she murmurs, hiding her face. "Why are you looking at me like that? I just woke up I probably look like shit." 


Peering at me from under my covers, I see the smile form on her face. 

"So, you watch people sleep often?" she yawns.

I chuckle, turning away. Standing up, I make my way to the bathroom.

After brushing my teeth, I walk back in to see the stunning woman on my bed, laid down on her phone, biting her lip like shes concentrating.


Shaking my head, I walk over to her and she looks up to me, grinning again.

She makes grabby hands at me like a toddler, and I pull her up as she laughs.


"I'm not hungry." she whines.

"Pancakes?" I watch her eyes light up a little and that's my answer.

Grabbing all the ingredients from my cabinets, I start mixing and putting them in a pan.

I turn around and shes sat at the counter, resting her head on her hand, just looking at me.

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