Chapter 11- Her, Again

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He pulls my head into his chest, stroking my wet hair, his heart racing as his chest moves up and down fast.

"Alaina, you need to tell me what the hell happened to you, darling."

Pulling my head away, he cups both sides of my face.

"Let me clean that, its pretty bad." he places the softest kiss on my forehead before leading me into his bathroom, me limping my way behind him.

I step weird on my ankle, my breath catching in my throat, biting back a loud groan.

"Hey, whats wrong, baby?" he rushes to my side.

"My ankle." I slur out, and before I can explain, he sweeps me off my feet and carries me bridal style before placing me on the counter in his bathroom, his veiny arms on either side of me.

"Why do you have to be so hot?" I whine as he turns his back to me in search of what I'm assuming is a first aid kit.

"I should be asking you." he chuckles, looking me up and down from the corner of his eye. 

He leans in close to my face, his breath fanning my face.

"Fucking hell, Alaina, how much did you drink?" his eyes dart over my face.

"Pfffft not that much." I wave my hands around, dismissing his comment.

He smiles a little, pecking my lips before picking the first aid kit up.

"Okay, this is going to hurt, love, but only for a few seconds."

I have no idea whats going on but before I know it, something is pressed to my cut and the stinging pain charges through my entire body and my hand shoots out to grab Dom's arm.

"I said it would hurt, I'm sorry, baby, I don't want it to get infected." he gently places his soft lips on mine once more.

Reluctantly, I let go of his arms, allowing him to continue.

"Just look at me instead, yeah? It might help you not think about it."

I look dead into his eyes, getting lost in the swirls of browns and golds.

His eyes are so different in moments like these, more soft than I knew eyes could be.

"Okay, done. See, it wasn't so bad." he throws the tissues and cotton pads in the bin beside us.

I close my mouth, not realising it was open, Dom smirking knowingly at me.

"Your cute." he stands between my legs, placing both of his cold hands on my waist. "Just remind me to never let you drink if this is what you get yourself into." he laughs looking down at my injuries.

The corner of my lips turn up as he looks into my eyes.

"So, are you going to tell me what happened, or do I have to figure it out for myself?"

I throw my head back, groaning. 

"Its not that important." I try and dismiss him.

"Clearly it is, Alaina, your hurt, that's the most important thing to me. It could have been a lot worse, so why don't you tell me how this happened?"

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