Chapter 8- Boring

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Walking home that night with her, my chest still feels constricted from the nerves.

Maybe not from asking her, but from what the next few days, weeks, maybe even years are going to look like for us.

She reaches over to interlock our fingers and I halt for a second as I look at her, who is gazing ahead of us into the night.

The corners of my lips twitch into a smile and I squeeze her icy hand tightly.

"So what now, Dom?" she says, stopping and spinning in my direction.

"What do you mean?" I take a small step towards the gorgeous girl before me.

She sighs. "I mean." dragging her words out, awkwardly, "what are we now? Do we actually date? Wow that sounds crazy." 

I watch as she shakes her head in disbelief.

"Whatever you want, sweetheart, I will be happy with, as long as your still here with me." I lift her soft hand up to my lips, placing small kisses on each knuckle.

"Is it completely insane that I want to say I want to be yours?" she chuckles.

"Not any more crazy than the fact I want to be yours too." I bite back the huge grin threatening to break out on my face.

Another step closer to her.

"I've never met anyone like you, Alaina."

Another step.

"I have never met anyone as sweet, kind and god damn beautiful as you."

One. Final. Step.

We are inches apart, her eyes gazing intently up into mine as I admire each and every one of her perfect features.

My hand cups the side of her freezing, red cheeks.

I close my eyes slowly, inhaling the amazing perfume shes wearing.

"Can I kiss you?" I exhale, as quietly as I can.

Her eyebrows raise slightly and that feeling wakes in my chest once again.

"Please." she breathes out with a smile playing on her face.

Closing the gap between us, I lean down brushing our lips together gently, before applying more pressure against her soft lips and I swear I have never felt this feeling before.

Like everything around us doesn't exist.

Every problem, every person.

The entire day felt irrelevant compared to this one moment.

In her kiss, I am home.

Her hand snakes up my front, resting on my chest, her other making its way into my hair.

As I lean forward a little, her back arches and I keep her steady with one hand.

She pulls softly at my hair and our lips break apart for a split second and her gorgeous eyes beam up at me before she reconnects our lips once more.

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